Chapter 5

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Tooth's eyes widened at the outburst, her heart breaking within her chest. She brought a hand up to her throat, gingerly touching the aggravated skin. 

"It's okay Jack, it's me ... I'm not gonna hurt you," She tried, tears rolling down her cheeks. She wrenched her arm from Bunny's grasp and went closer to the bed.

Jack whimpered quietly, still pulling at his restraints in vain. "It's not real, it's not real, they aren't real," Jack muttered over and over, keeping his eyes averted from the guardians. 

Tooth shook her head, "We are real Jack, we're right here ... You're okay now." 

Jack's eyes flicked to hers, and the room temperature dropped several degrees. "How'd it feel?" he laughed, still pulling at his restraints in vain, "When I had you up against that wall and you couldn't breathe?"

Bunny furrowed his brows with a gasp, not believing Jack could be so cruel. He gently pulled Tooth away from the winter spirit. 

"So close." He laughed. "So close! Come here .... Let me try again. I'll kill you this time. I won't fail .. I'll kill you!" He started thrashing and shouting again. 

North opened the door and ushered all the guardians out. He told Phil to keep an eye on Jack while they had a meeting in the globe room. 


"Tooth, are you alright?" North asked as soon as they'd gotten to the globe room. He couldn't imagine what was going through the hybrid's mind. 

Tooth pressed a shaking hand to her mouth, choking back a sob. "What did he do to Jack, guys? He would never willingly say those things. What happened?" 

Bunny stepped forward, "Maybe I can get something out of him. That's sure as hell not the bloody showpony I remember." Bunny's expression was angry and his fists clenched tight.

North shook his head, taking note of Bunny's stance. "I know how you get when you're emotional, Bunny. I wouldn't want you to do something you'll regret. Jack's still in there somewhere ... he has to be." He looked down, wracking his brain for a solution. "Jack clearly recognized you at first Tooth ... But then you touched him and he changed. Maybe some sort of brainwashing?" He sighed. "I wouldn't say anything as extreme as complete possession. Pitch would've already killed us by now ... he's much more efficient. mayb-" 

North's analysis was cut off by a slight tug on his coat. He looked down at Sandy's golden face expectantly. Sandy gestured to the book he was holding. North picked it up and read the title aloud, "Hijacking." 

Hope you guys like it so far! I'm always taking suggestions!

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