Chapter 16

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Giselle's POV:

I wake early from a dream I can't remember. I look over from my hammock to Esteban an Fernando.

Esteban sleeps oddly on the top bunk having one arm swung over the edge and his mouth slightly ajar. He must have been exhausted.

Fernando peacefully sleeps on the bottom bunk. His chest gently moves up and down as he inhales and exhales, he mumbles something in audible in his sleep and I smile at my brothers.

I stop starring and realize I should take advantage of everyone being asleep and grab clean clothes, a towel, and my soap. I then quickly head to the washrooms looking over corners to make sure no one is around.

I peek into the washrooms and lucky for me, it's empty. I then quietly fill the tub and quickly wash not wanting to risk.

Once cleaned and dressed I squeeze the excess water from my slowly getting longer hair and make it into a bun tucking it into my old cap.

I then get my dirty clothes and wash it in the tub, no fresh water is allowed to be wasted.

After I hang my clothes to dry in a little corner I leave the washrooms.

I head to the kitchen and bump into Peter a cleaning duty boy around 17.

"Oof! Oh, sorry Peter..I wasn't paying much attention.." I begin.

"It's alright John..Have you seen David?" he asks seeming distracted.

"No I have not, sorry. Why?" I ask.

"No reason, I was just going to see him, to talk, about a new task we were assigned." He answers carefully.

"Oh, alright. Well, I better get going. I have lunch duty today but they won't me clean the barracks if I help with breakfast." I say with a smile.

He smiled back and we part.

I then say hello to Gustavo once in the kitchen and help with the gruel.

~Antonio's POV~

I awaken troubled.

Do I tell John there is no lesson today? Should I cancel the lessons? Could she read something that will give too much away? Was Alejandro right about them? Are they not to be trusted?

Gah, I'm getting out of bed.

I roll out and grab a shirt putting it on. I feel like doing something so I go to my desk and spot my notepad. I pick up my quill and let my hands do the work not even thinking about what I am sketching. All I can think about is what if they discovered something? Why would Giselle come onto this ship? I understand if she wants to escape marriage but couldn't she become a nun? After they use her and her brothers for long enough will they be abounded or simply rid of completely? What if someone else finds out about her? I shudder.

Enough unanswered questions. I look down at my paper and am surprised to see a familiar figure i absent-mindedly drew.It's my mother. God I miss her terribly. I hold back tears and crumple the paper throwing it in the fire.

The day passes as I re-read some of Romeo and Juliet.

Seven comes around and I pull out my grammar book ready to begin our lesson.

A few minutes pass and I begin to worry. H-she is normally here before the clock strikes 7.

I am just about to get scary thoughts when I hear a knock at the door. My heart jumps in surprise and a bit of happiness.

"Come in." I answer.

J-Giselle enters quietly.

"My apologies for arriving late, Sir. Someone had shattered plates and Peter was gone so I had to stay about extra and clean it." She excused.

"I understand. Why did you call me Sir? You know to call me Antonio." I say surprised.

"I just, I thought you would be upset so respectful seemed the way to go.." She says looking down. I smile at how cu-thoughtful that was.

"Well, have a seat." I say politely hoping it didn't sound like an order.

She sits quietly and I explain to her the rule of apostrophes reviewing about commas.

She listens attentively which I appreciate but seems a bit confused.

"You know, I do not want to rush you into learning new things. Would you rather practice something else?" I ask her.

"I shamefully still need to practice a bit of my alphabet!" She says turning red. I laugh. I then practice the alphabet with her.

As I quizzed her which letters were the vowels she dropped the quill I had lend her. She bent down to pick it up from under the desk and accidentally brushed my leg accidentally having me react. I almost have a small gasp out but was able to regain my guard just in time. Good thing the wooden desk is big. She then retrieved her quill and when she was sitting upright again she asked why I was flushed and I simply made up that it was hot.

After the lesson she left and bid me goodnight and I put away the lessons papers. I really hope my reaction wasn't too visible when I got up to walk her to the door...oh man.

I go to the washroom and quickly bathe then go back to my room to sleep.


It's been a while... sorry! I have been busy and was kinda stuck on how to write the chapter, not what to make happen later, just how to make it feel me? Anyway hope you enjoyed! comment and vote!:D

Luv ya!


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