Chapter 11.

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I walked into the lounge and threw myself down on to one of the plush velvet sofas. I stil didn't get Alexs problem.. he'd seemed so off, so quickly.

I flicked through the channels on the TV.. nothing of interest. I grabbed the laptop and logged onto my twitter. I scrolled down my timeline, the usual fangirls. I clicked into my mentions.. 5000 new followers, oh my fucking god. I scrolled down, what had happened here? After what seemed like endless scrolling, I saw a tweet from Jack.

JackAllTimeLow: You should all go follow my new bestest buddy, @KayleighJ. 

I smiled, oh Jack. I tapped one back to him.

@KayleighJ: @JackAllTimeLow, you're adorable ;).

Immdiantly, 1000s of tweets came flooding in.. I sat there speechless. I must of look shocked, because when Jack came down he laughed.

"What you laughing at shit head?" He plonked himself down next to me.

"You're face.. you look bemused. You're not watching porn are you?" I punched him & he mimed being hurt. "No, seriously, what's up?" I turned the laptop around to face him.

"Look at all these followers, and mentions!" They were still flooding in, I was even getting follow back spam.

"Awh, Kayleighs, FAAAAAMUZ!" Jack yelled. I shook my head.

"You're such a retard."

We started play fighting, I froze as the door knocked.

"FLYZIKKKKKKKK!" I screamed and ran to the door, just as Alex was coming down the stairs.

"Anyone would think you hadn't seen him since 8000bc, damn girl!" He laughed at his own joke, I ignored him and flung open the door.

Matt grinned, he look happy to see me too.

"Hello rat face!" He opened his arms for a hug. I fell into him.

"Hiya princess!" I said into his chest, it was our joke.

For the little time I'd know Flyzik, he'd helped me through so much. After the 2nd bad meeting with mum, I'd cut again. He had found me on the bathroom floor and sorted me out, told me I was being silly. That's what I liked about him, he wasn't all "I promise it will get better." He was "You need to sort it out, you're not helping yourself here." After that'd we'd became practically inseparable.

"Shall we go in?" He asked, I nodded and grabbed his hand as I dragged him into the lounge.

"You'll never guess how many followers I gained, 5000, Matt, FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND." I was still ecstatic. He laughed at me.

"I'm unfollowing you just for that." He let go of my hand and sat next to Jack, so I set next to Alex.

I felt awkward because I didn't know if he was still moody with me, so I sat a little further away. He looked at me then grinned and patted the space next to him.

"I haven't got AIDS you know, you can sit here." 

I giggled and sat next to him, he put his arm around me and whispered in my ear.

"Sorry for being a dick earlier, time of the month, you understand."

I looked up at him, he looked deadly serious, I tried to stay serious too.

"Completely understand." I nodded. We both exploded into fits of laughter. 

"Hey, hey we have serious shit to talk about here." Flyzik interrupted us. Alex nodded.

"Go then.."

"Well, the Glamour Kills tour right? It's all looking good so far.. there is only one problem." He looked at me. "Have these two muppets explained about the space issues?"

I nodded. He carried on.

"See, we'd love more then anything for you to come with us, so I've pulled a few strings, made a few calls, you know the sort."

Alex sighed.

"Get to the point maaaaaan." Alex whined, bless he was so impatient.

"Yeah okay, I got a bigger tour bus for us, so there's room for Kayleigh to come with us." Matt looked annoyed at the fact he didn't get to give it a big announcement than he wanted. Jack & Alex got up and jumped on Flyzik.

"I could marry you Flyzik!"

"Marry?! MARRY?! I would give you head righ now."

I laughed at them, those 2 were like hyperactive 5 year olds. Flyzik pushed them off and kindly rejected both offers. I got up and went over to give him a massive hug.

"Thank you so much! I'll buy you a Micky Mouse teddy, k?"

He smiled at me.

"Now there's an offer I cannot refuse!" He said and started tickling me.


"Kayleigh, could you come help me with these drinks?!"  Jack called from the kitchen. I got up and walked out. He was sitting at the breakfast bar. I laughed.

"Drinks?" He said nothing but gestured for me to sit down next to him, I did.

"You know earlier I said we needed to talk?" He asked. I nodded.

"Oh yeah, what's up?"

"I just think we need to talk about.. us."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Please don't make me say it, i'm not good with words." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"But, I don't understand what you mean!" I pushed.

He sighed.

"I like you Kayleigh, okay. I really like you."

My tummy did flips. I don't know where I found the confidence to say it, but I did.

"I really like you too, Jack." 

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