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I woke up on the bathroom floor, my head resting on a towel, a mug of water by my cheek. My head hurt and my eyes stung and when I pushed myself up, looking around the tiled room in a daze I saw Bondy passed out, his head resting against the wall not so far away from me. He had a towel draped around his shoulders just the same as I did and it made me smile to think that maybe he'd been the one to blanket me in bathroom towels and keep me warm.

For a little while I just sat there. My throat was dry and I was dying for a tea and some paracetamol, but the room was spinning and shifting around me and I knew that if I tried to stand up I'd only fall moments later.

So I sat with my back pressed against the wall, and I sipped the mug of water he'd left out for me slowly, watching my reflection in the opposite wall.

When he awoke he blinked several times, looking at me with a sleepy smirk.

"Whats the story morning glory?" He yawned pushing himself up, scrunching his eyes up as he tried to shake the dream hed awoken from, "fuck me I feel like I've crossed into the void,"

"Maybe you have," I smirked closing my eyes and resting my head on my knees.

When I opened them again he was holding his hand out for me to take, as if he knew that without his help I wouldn't have been able to walk.

"The rooms still spinning," I said quietly leaning against him as we made our way through the trashed hotel room to the kettle. "And that really hurts my ears," I wined when he flicked it on and it began to boil. He let out a laugh which grazed the air softly, and when he set about emptying sugars and milks into the two mugs all I could manage in direction was a grateful half smile.

"You know you didn't have to wait up with me last night," I said after a moment of quiet. He shook his head and chuckled.

"You would say that, you didn't see what you were like," he winked, "if anyones crossed into the void its you lass," he teased turning around to take the duvet from my bed, draping it around both our shoulders as we lent against the wall.

"Was I really that bad?" I winced hugging my knees to my chest as I sipped my tea.

"You're always that bad," he grinned, "its reet though, its why we love you,"

"God I'm dead sorry," I sighed leaning my head back against the wall, the duvet tickling my cheeks, "thanks for looking after me," I said softly leaning my head against his shoulder momentarily before remembering that those implications of affection were only something I could get away with when we were both reeling drunk around someone elses hotel room.

"Youre alright love," he chuckled resting his head on top of mine catching himself by surprise too.

"You only ever see me at my worst dont you," I giggled pushing a little hair from my face, I knew I had make up smeared across my face, smudged around my eyes and my lips.

He hummed with a sideways glance in my direction and a playful nudge in the ribs.

"I don't know love, Im seeing you now..."

I bit back a smile, elbowed him gently and told him to shut up.

"Ey you're not that bad now," he was teasing me I could tell, he had one of those stupid smirks on his lips that would only grow the more I told him to leave it out, "you look a bit 80s gothic with that makeup round your eyes, bit kurt cobain but you know, some people really fancied kurt," he laughed a little, laughing harder when I elbowed him a little harder.

"Shut the fuck up you cheeky prick," I grinned back at him, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me, hugging me in close to his side.

Oxygen (Catfish And The Bottlemen/1975)Where stories live. Discover now