Chapter 2

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I made it all the way to town where I immediately went to the bank. I used my Alpha's codes to withdrawal money and called a cab at the manager's desk. He was very sweet, but I needed to go and not worry about "the rain that may come in later." He was overly friendly and continued to complement me on my lovely brown eyes and brown hair. The color he had never seen. They were green and I was blonde. Was the man on crack?

I waited outside of the bank so I didn't have to listen to his idiocy any longer. The cab came right before I saw another car pull onto the street. That one had a seething Alpha driving and three scared shitless passengers. I had all the money in my bag and grabbed a few hundreds out.

"If you can get me to FSCU in less than 20 minutes you can have all of this." He looked in the rear view mirror and nodded. I have never been forced into a backseat as hard as I had with that taxi driver. The drive normally took over an hour.

Alpha Vox and his crew of delinquents were behind us for most of the way until Mr. Speedypants ran a red light and lost them. I would have given him all the money, but I needed some to live on. What I was doing was the fastest way to get myself tortured and killed. Omegas didn't steal, didn't run, and most definitely didn't defy your mate.  I just hoped everyone was too busy to tell him where I may be.

When the cabbie dropped me off at my dorm, I tipped him an extra hundred. He was happy and went on his merry way. I walked across the deserted street and noticed that most of the lights to the three story, rundown, brick building I called home for the past three years was about to no longer be that. I hurried up to my room and grabbed all of my stuff. One good thing about being the Alpha's accountant is that they didn't notice me skimming a little off every month. It adds up. I had a brand new, built from scratch computer and the latest electronic Apple gadgets. That how I could afford stuff for the other Omegas. I could buy them too much or everyone would get suspicious, but I tried. Now they were on their own and I couldn't help but let the tears flow from my now red eyes. They were fucked, in the figurative and soon to be literal sense.

I turned on my computer as fast as I could and shot off w-mails to every teacher I had requesting early tests and finals due to a family emergency. If I could take them tomorrow I could potentially make it out of here in time and graduate. I was living on hopes and coffee fumes. I ran down to my RA's room and told her a short lie about me having a family emergency and needing to leave and do early check out. She was a very emotional and gullible person who agreed and gave her condolences. Everything was set for school. I contacted the cab company again and had them come get me. If I could get an older car, I wouldn't have to worry about GPS tracking me except on all of my damn electronics. Good thing no one knew about them and they were all on pay as you go plans with a fake name. I had been planning this for years; I just didn't think it would include an Alpha who actually wanted me around being this sudden. I thought I would have a bit more time.

I got an e-mail back from all of my teachers and they agreed except one. The ones who agreed were my majors' courses. The one jerk who said no was my Physical Fitness class professor. We had a mutual hateship and it wasn't a major's class. It would fuck up my perfect GPA, but I didn't need the credit. I just took it so I would have a full schedule as required by my scholarship. I sent an e-mail back stating, as politely as I could, he should go fuck himself and I wouldn't be there for the rest of the semester. I never got a reply.

The cab came and drove me to a shady looking car lot near the University. The guy who came out to help me was human, but looked like a half shifted werewolf. He was tall, big and hairy. He smelled like roadkill and had teeth more on the brown side than yellow. He showed me around his "car lot" which was really just the thirteen cars he had that all looked like they would die once I pulled out of the lot. I saw his car in the "CEO" parking spot and told him I would buy that. It was old too, but at least it was likely to start and actually get me out of the parking lot. I paid way more for t than I should have and got the title there and a tag applied for sign. I bribed him to give me a few more. I wouldn't have to register the car and less likely for the Alpha to track me. I may not be a fighter, but I was a planner.

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