Chapter 8

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While I was cooking, Jax walked back in. He smelled the house, scrunched his nose and asked, "Molly was here?"

I guess that's the little twat's name. "Yes, Alpha."

He grunted and came into the kitchen. He stuck his finger in the sauce I had made to go over the turkey in the oven. He hummed his enthusiasm for the taste and walked off and into his bedroom. I didn't see him for a while, but I heard the shower going. When I was done, I started putting everything away and waited for him to come back out. I wanted to ask him how I had been here for so long and him not be pissy that I slacked in my chores. I was just praying not to get beat for asking him.

He walked back in with only low riding sweatpants on. I could see everything. All of everything. I hadn't been this aroused in a long time and I blame me being pregnant. He sniffed the air and swiftly made eye contact with me as he growled. I put my head down in shame. It is not appropriate for me to want him. He is an Alpha. When his shoulders had stopped tensing and he looked normal, he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a plate and stared dishing out his own food. I stood off to the side and didn't interfere. Getting between an Alpha and his food is a dangerous decision.

He walked to the small table off to the side and sat down glaring daggers at me. I didn't know what I didn't wrong. Maybe I wasn't supposed to watch him eat. I cleaned up and put the food in the fridge for later and stared to walk off.

"Where are you going?" His voice was aggressive, like he might attack me at any time.

"To the attic, Alpha." I whispered with my head facing my feet.

"You need to eat. You are awake. Eat now." His command was stern with no wiggle room.

What was I supposed to eat? Grass? Maybe he wanted to see me eat it like Molly suggested. I wouldn't put it past him. I started for the front door to go get some. I slammed his fist on the table and we both heard it crack.

"I said EAT!" His shouting just made me shiver more and crouch low for better hiding.

"Yes, Alpha." I started toward the door again and this time he bolted out of his chair and grabbed me around the waist. He plopped me in the chair opposite him and slid his plate in front of me.

His breath was hitting my good ear he was so close. He growled into my ear and said in a deadly low tone, "I said eat. You will eat."

I was shaking harder than an epileptic. I picked up his fork and started to eat slowly in case he changed his mind. I finished half his plate and couldn't eat anymore. I knew he thought I was fat and I didn't want to make it worse. I tried to put my fork down and he growled again. I finished the plate quickly so I wouldn't make the punishment worse by angering him more. He went to the kitchen and played himself more food. He walked back over and threw a few slices of meat onto my plate, gesturing for me to eat it. I did. My stomach was hurting for all of the food that I wasn't used to.

"You have barely eaten anything and look like you are on death's door. You will not die in this house. You are to eat when I eat. Do you understand?"

There is that miserable question again. "Yes, Alpha."

"Good, now that you are up and mostly healed, you will do chores daily instead of weekly. Molly can't cook for shit and it makes me want to throw up." He had a joking tone, but now I understood what had happened. I literally slept for weeks at a time. How was I not dead?

"At least I won't have to have the damn doctor here every day anymore. And I'm tired of fetching you from the attic and bringing you down. You sleep in my bed from now on. Do you understand?"

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