Chapter 5

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I waited all day for the beast to come back. He was the only company I ever got besides the little girl. Sometime after dusk, Vox came back drunk as could be. I knew he was partying with his family while I was upstairs sipping from my water bottle, trying to make it last.

He crawled into bed with me and pulled me close. He didn't even change out of his clothes. I had put on as many layers as I could get my hands on so I could have some distance from him. He just nuzzled my neck and inhaled.

"Oh Gilda. Why did you leave me?" He whispered out drunkenly.

I knew it. She took her own life to escape this demon. I don't blame her. I need a plan. I don't want to die; I just want to get away. He was quite for a while and then I felt it. He was hard under his pants. I waited for the moment he would flip me over and help himself rectify his situation, but he never did.

When morning came, the sun was bright and shining through the open curtains. He smelled horrid and had vomited over the side of the bed. I barley kept my own puke down. He rolled out of bed and headed for the door.

"Gerty, get the fuck up here and clean this shit up." He stumbled into the bathroom and closed the door.

The little girl came running in and looked around. I pointed to his side of the bed and she walked around to see his mess. She looked stoic. No emotions whatsoever on her face. She walked out and came back with cleaning supplies. The floors were hardwood, like everything, so it was easier to clean up. The pelt however, was not. She was trying to scrub, but the smell wouldn't come out.

Vox came out of the bathroom and watched her scrub. He had a towel around his chiseled waist and was standing in the doorway watching the girl struggle. He smirked a bit and then yelled at her to get out. She ran so fast I was surprised she didn't trip.

He walked toward the bed and picked it up with one hand and pulled the rug out. How did O ever think I was getting away from this man? Maybe if I played the demure little Omega, he would give me more freedom and I could eventually runaway. It was my best bet now. He might feel like he has broken me and I could play it off as that.

He threw the rug out of the door to the room and yelled for Gerty to come get it. He turned back around to me and geared up for a fight. I could see his shoulder tense and his head drop a little lower.

"Chanel has stated that she would like to see you before she goes. If you try anything like you did last time, I will cut off your feet. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha." I looked at him through my lashes as my head was bowed slightly. He looked at me suspiciously and squinted. He was trying to figure out why I wasn't fighting him.

"I saw Gerty's tongue."

"Ahh. Then you know I will." He looked sure of himself now. He closed the door, walked over and unlocked the chain around my ankle.

"Get showered and get dressed. She is downstairs. Remember what I said."

How could I forget? I did as he told me and went down to see Chanel. She was curled up on the couch next to Jugen.

"Oh sister! I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well. Maybe you are already carrying!!" She was squealing like that would be a good thing.

"I don't think so. Sorry to disappoint." I tried for jokingly and it came out more flat than anything.

Jugen looked like he picked up on it, but confused it for sadness. "It's okay sister. You will have pups. My brother is strong and even though you are a weak Omega, he will make sure he sees you through it this time."

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