Chapter 3

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I ran for a few hours and was heading back when I smelled it. I was being tracked by a werewolf. I crouched low and rolled in the mud to try to hide my scent. It didn't work since he found me easily and just growled at me. I looked up and a massive multicolored wolf was glaring at me. He back up and left me room to get out. He shifted. It was Pierce. What. The. Fuck!

"Alpha is going to laugh his ass off. You came right to him. We have been looking everywhere for you. He is livid by the way. Follow me and I'll take you to him. Try to run again and the guards won't be very happy they had to tackle the Alpha's mate." I looked around and noticed for the first time a semicircle of wolves blocking my exits. Pierce shifted again and I trotted behind him.

We walked for a few hours until a huge log cabin appeared. Piece shifted and walked in. The cabin was big from the outside, but inside it was obscenely large. We walked into a family style room with a 9 person wraparound couch facing a 70" TV. There were animal hides hung up on the walls and quilts lying over the back of the couch. The Kitchen was to the left and looked like it came out of some country show on the Food Network. There was a normal dining table on the far side of the kitchen and seated probably 9 in an oval shape. Everything was wood. The table, the kitchen, the walls, the damn refrigerator looked like it was made out of wood on the outside. There were two sets up stairs leading to the other floors of the house. I just realized how long it would take to wander around this place. It was in the middle of a forest with a small field in back and those are the only landmarks I could go by. I would be lost in the house and lost outside as well.

I was not happy about this situation and decided to show it in the only way I knew how. Passive aggressive pettiness. He said I had to follow, not that I had to shift. I sauntered in with my dirty paws and shook all over the house. I know it was petty, but I don't care.

"You are just going to make him angrier you know that, right?" Pierce was scowling at me.

I sat down in my wolf form and waited for the brute to get there. In walked a wolf the size of a horse. He was all black with the same blue eyes I had seen before. He shifted mid walk and was in front of me in seconds. His face was not concealing his rage, and there was nothing concealing his cock. It was massive; I couldn't stop staring at it. No one spoke for a few moments while I just stared. I know it's rude, but fuckballs it was fat and long. I had seen my fair share of them while blackmailing people, but this is like what people give to others as a gag gift. How did he walk? That's not normal.

"Are you done?" His voice alerted me to his shift in emotional state from enraged bull to cocky asshole. "Shift now." It was an Alpha command I had to obey. I shifted and was squatting naked in the middle of a bunch of random strangers.

"No. Could you turn a little?" My smart mouth has gotten me out of trouble many times before, but it has also gotten me in trouble.

"Pierce, clothes." He barked out the orders while staring at me. I tried to cover my body, but he growled and stepped closer.

Pierce threw him a large shirt and Alpha caught it without looking.

"Great catch. Can I leave now?"

"Put this on." He threw the XXL sweatshirt at my face. I caught it and put it on and stood up. It covered me down to my knees, but was falling off of my shoulder.

The Alpha kept staring at me and I saw how excited it was making him. Since he got to stare, so did I. I watched as Little Alpha got even bigger and started pointing to the stars. How did he not pass out from a lack of blood flow to the brain?

"Leave." He said is calmly, but it was firm. Everyone scattered in seconds as I started to turn and walk away.

"Not you, Sarah. We shall have words."

The Choices That We Make Book 1Where stories live. Discover now