Chapter 6

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One morning, I heard some clicking and opened my eyes to see what it was. I looked around a little and realized it was coming from below me. There was a vent shaft there and below that was Vox's computer. Why didn't I think of that before? Oh yeah, I was bleeding profusely and couldn't even stay awake.

I waited until everyone was gone for the day, snuck into the kitchen grabbed food and went to Vox's room. His computer was still open and logged in. I looked at his history and fund his bank. I looked through the stacks and found his banking info. Stupid people write their passwords on papers and stick them on their desks. Vox was stupid. Thank fuck.

I logged in and wired money to my online bank I had set up before all this shit happened. I was now a millionaire. I wiped the logged out, wiped the history. I saw a shopping bag and grabbed it.

I got back on his computer and ordered a taxi to meet me down at the same McDonalds. I told them to wait there and I would pay double for their time. I cleared the history of the page and ran downstairs. I grabbed Gerty as she was about to fag me down. We got outside and Pierce was there with Kurt talking in front of their cars. Where was the damn road?

"Where are you two going?" Pierce asked suspiciously.

"Gerty said we need to pick mushrooms for dinner. Pierce, I know you can track us if we don't make it back on 20 minutes." He nodded and went back to talking. Gerty gave me a horrified look. She catches on faster than the boys.

We made it to the tree line walking slowly. We made it about 30 feet in and stripped. Gerty didn't fight me, she just did as told. I stuffed out clothes in the bag and shifted. Gerty did too. He paws were mangled in the front and would slow us down. I whined and dropped down for her to shift back. She did and sat on my shoulders. I would be much slower, but still faster than with Gerty running on her own. She will be tortured and killed if I leave her there.

I ran with everything I had and we made it to our savior, McDonalds. I shifted on the woods and we both got dressed. I saw my car had a boot now, but thankfully wasn't towed yet. I smashed the window, grabbed my nasty duffle bag and ran with Gerty. I saw the cab and we hopped in. I showed him the cash and he sped off. I didn't see Pierce of Kurt running after us. I didn't hear them or smell them either. We took the Taxi all the way to Seattle. I booked us a bus ride to New York. With all the smells, they would be thrown off hopefully. We weren't taking a flight just in case.

Three days of traveling and we were finally in New York City. I could see Gerty's face light up when she saw downtown. I assume she had never left that rat hole. We wandered around and found a really nice hotel. I went to my bank Beach and got a temporary card to use at the hotel.  We spent the night in luxury. We showered in the room and had massages, facials, and bubble baths. We were blissed out of our minds. We slept in comfy beds that didn't require us to suffer for it.

The next morning we checked out and caught a cab to the consulate. My phone was out of minutes and I needed more so I relied on the cabbie to get us there without overcharging. We got there and what do we find? Pierce. It looked like Pierce was missing a few things, like his pinky fingers.

We ducked down and walked into a store around the corner. Pierce was sniffing and looking around. Kurt came around the corner and yelled something at Pierce. Kurt had matching injuries. Why does anyone follow that asshole when he takes your fingers? I knew they were going to be livid about the loss of their fingers and take it out on us. We His in the store until a familiar smell reached my nose right before a hand grabbed my neck.

"What did I tell you?" He whispered into my good ear.

"Run Gerty. Run!" I shouted at her. She had tears streaming down her face as she ran out of the store and toward the officer outside of the consulate. She made it before Pierce or Kurt could get to her. He was a werewolf unsurprisingly and started talking to the guys. She was screaming as they dragged her toward the store when the officer turned a blind eye. The pedestrians around him didn't though. They had their cameras out and were recording it. The officer had no choice. He seized the girl from the guys and took her into the consulate and called for backup.

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