Chapter 4

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I was woken from my peaceful slumber with cold water to my face. I was on the pole again and Kurt was behind me. I feel like we were connecting in that psychopath/victim kind of way. He slashed me 20 times and I was taken back to the same room as before and bandages by a girl with one eye and half her fingers missing or bent at awkward angles. She didn't say anything, just finished her duty.

I fell asleep again and this time when I woke up, I was being roughly plowed into by Vox. He was grunting above me and finished rather quickly and cleaned himself up. He left me there on the bed with the IV in my arm again. I waited a few hours, took the IV out and wandered to the bathroom. I peeled the bandages off and was already healing. It must have been the mating bite because I normally healed much slower. I showered while sobbing from the pain of it and got out. I gently dried myself and walked back into the bedroom. No one was there still. I walked to a dresser and found women's clothes, but they weren't mine. Must have been his last mistress or his dead mate. Why would I be given as a second mate to a monster? What had I don't that deserved this? I was petty and mean, but I did it to survive. This is just unconscionable.

I put on a loose, yellow, thin dress. I tried the door to get out and it was locked. I was famished and stuck in a room with no food. If only I would starve to death. I walked to the window that had a walk out porch outside of it. I tried to open it and it worked. I was on the third floor and would probably break my neck if I jumped. If I lived and got caught, I would be beaten again. It was worth a try. I jumped out the window and aimed for a patch of bushes. I made it with minimal scratches and no broken bones. I ran. I ran for my life. I shifted to try to cover more ground. I didn't know where I was going, but anywhere was better than here.

I was gone from midday to dusk. I found an alcove and buried myself under a tree root. I waited until dawn when I heard some rustling. I looked up and there was the same damn wolf from last time. Pierce is clearly their best tracker or he doesn't care about me and sent a higher rank to fetch me again. He growled and shifted.

"He is furious. Follow me." He said in a monotone like it was nothing.

He shifted and started walking off. I crept out from under the tree roof and farted in the opposite direction. Pierce caught me quickly and grabbed my scruff in his jaws. He hauled me kicking and flailing back to Vox. Vox and Kurt were next to the pole again. I knew the drill.

Next time woke up; I had a chain around my ankle that attached to the floor. No

More escape attempts apparently. I wandered around the room testing the length. I could make it to the toilet and the shower, but not out the window. I looked around for something to pick the lock with. As I was going through drawers in his dresser, he walked in.

"What did I tell you?! You will not leave. You cannot leave. I will not allow it."

Why asks a question if you are going to answer it yourself?

"You will meet my brother tonight. He flew in from Germany with his mate. You will impress them. Your clothes will be brought to you." With that scathing look he left with, I knew it would be a very unpleasant night.

I was right. The same one eyed girl had brought me a dress the covered my back and did my hair to hide my scarred ear. I was escorted by Pierce down to the family room where there were more wolves than I could count mingling about. Pierce directed us outside where a tent had been erected and the tables were adorned with flowers that made it look like it was a wedding reception. Pierce handed me off to Vox who gripped my arm so tightly; I had bruises forming on top of bruises.

"And this Alpha Jugen and Chanel, is my mate, Sarah. Sarah, this is my brother Alpha Jugen and his mate Chanel." He said it like I should be ecstatic to meet them. He squeezed my forearm and dug his claws in.

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