Chapter 10

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I brought the food outside onto the patio once everything had calmed down. There was a small, short table and two light wooden Adirondack chairs on both sides of it. I got us some freshly squeezed orange juice and brought out our mini feast. Jaks came out in some low riding jeans and a white t-shirt. The shirt was tight and showed everything off. I was very pleased with his decision.

"Is that all for us? I didn't realize you ere that hungry." His face looked slightly appalled until he looked at mine which was on the verge of tears.

"That's not what I meant. I feel terrible that I haven't fed you more. You're pregnant and need to eat. That's a growing child in you. It's a miracle" He finished his rant in a mystified tone like he really thought this was a once in a million miracle. Girls get pregnant all the time granted not usually to massive douche bags.

"I'm fine, just come eat." I tried to stem the flow of tears at the sensitivity he was showing me. I cried too often. Now I know why he thought Omegas were weak. I cry all the damn time.

We ate in comfortable silence and just listened to the birds chirping and small animals scurrying around. I closed my eyes to remember how wonderful this feels. After he had inhaled five pancakes and two omelets, I decided it was time to bring up the big work question. Since I was trying to stay out of a certain Alpha's reach, leaving Jaks pack lands sounds like the most idiotic thing to do. I was safe here for now and if it changed, I would leave...somehow.

"Alpha, would be amenable to me getting a job?"

"Of course you can! After the baby is born and you guys are comfortable here of course." He was shoving food in his mouth as he was talking, not the sexiest trait.

"When would you consider us settled?" I was trying to sound inquisitive like I was a patient person instead of the irritated state I found myself in at his very abstract timeframe.

"I don't know. A few years maybe? When the baby can take care of him or herself, unless you have more and then a few years after that." He sounded so calm while my blood pressure just shot through the roof. A few years? More children? Is this man crazy?

"I think this one baby will be it for me. There is less to distract me from my focus with one child. He or she will get all of my love instead of having to share. And I could always get a nanny, maybe another Omega to help out. It would be an adventure for the both of us." I had to catch myself from saying my focus is my job and not a freaking child that I don't want. His other child killed his mom! I don't want to get my throat cut because my baby is half demon.

"Oh nonsense. You could have many children and love them all. Many Omegas do here. There is no need for a nanny when you are perfectly able to take care of your kids. You won't have to worry about money if that's what you think. You are staying with me so I will provide. I am not mad that our first child is not mine. We can raise it just like the others." He had this goofy grin plastered on his face as he stared off into nothing.

I was five seconds from bolting. I had to stay calm or what happened last time might happen again. I had to actually plan better. Now I know what werewolves were actually capable of. I didn't realize they could track people so well. I couldn't.

"Oh well, thanks for talking with me about it. We will see how it goes. Did you like your brunch?"

"Of course! Everything you make tastes divine. I can't wait until dinner. I will be back later. I have to take care of Alpha duties that I have been neglecting. Don't forget to clean up and take a shower." He winked at me as he walked off to his truck.

I looked down and noticed he left his plate and half uneaten sandwich on the table. He even managed to drop food on the ground. I am starting to question Maureen's inability to cook.

The Choices That We Make Book 1Where stories live. Discover now