Chapter 9

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The next day, we were woken up by banging on the door. Someone was yelling and I couldn't understand what was being said. It seemed like Jax did because he grumbled something that sounded like "fucking bitch" and got out of bed. He was not a morning person.

I heard some screeching when he opened the door. There were fast footsteps coming near his bedroom door and surprise it was Molly who threw the door open. I was still in the bed under the covers, but I could smell her. It's a lovely odorous perfume humans wore with a hint of burnt toast.

"You whore! He's mine!" She screamed at me while running toward the bed with her fists up. I didn't even see Jax come in, but he had her broken neck in his hand before she reached the bed. He dropped her limp body on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hand and tried to not scream.

"I told her if she tried to kill one more person I would break her neck." He said it nonchalantly like it was an everyday affair. He jogged back to the front door and yelled for the triplets. They came running a few minutes later and threw Molly's body out of the house and into their truck.

I hadn't moved and was positive I had peed on myself. He was a murderer too.

When Jax came back into the bedroom I couldn't look him in the face. I pulled the covers over my head and waited to get yelled at. He sat down next to me and pulled the covers down.

"Molly had killed before. She begged for a second chance. We couldn't prove it, but I am sure she killed my mate. She has wanted to be the Alpha's mate since she was born. I couldn't let her kill you too."

Well that made it better. Wait, what?

"You had a mate?" I was with disbelief clearly in my eyes. That would explain the clothes.

"Yes, she was an Omega too. I was not always this nice, Sarah. I was young and impatient. That's were our reputation has come from. The five packs surrounding us are all led by my brothers and cousins who are just like me. We are family and protect each other, but are also impatient with dealing with threats.

When I was younger, I ventured out to find my mate because I wanted to be Alpha. My uncle was Alpha here before me, but never had any sons. He loved his mate and to their dying breath stayed faithful. I wanted that and I wanted it right then. I found my mate in Vox's pack. They were going to kill her. She had been hiding from him in a cave while her mother had been helping her survive. She knew nothing besides going outside of the cave would get her killed. She was blind due to live in the dark her entire life and being forced out and into the Sun when Vox found her. She looked up and was blinded permanently. I wandered into their territory to meet with him about potential mate when he was dragging her beaten body into camp. I knew it was her and traded him $10 for her. He said he was ripping me off. I wanted to tear his throat out, but he outnumbered me greatly.

I brought her back here and lived happily with her for six years. She may have been blind, but she could see. She warned me about Molly and her flirting. I brushed it off. I told her she was just lonely because he mate died the previous winter. They were only together for a few months when he passed. I found out later, she poisoned him. My wife was also poisoned. We knew she did it because she confessed to me that she did it for us. She didn't mention my wife, but I was positive. I gave her another chance. She failed so I killed her."

Wow. Just wow. So he is not a crazy bastard and she was. I knew she was mean, but that is insane.

"That l's another reason I wanted you cooking and not her. She probably would have poisoned me sooner or later for rejecting her."

"And you still let her live?"

"She's part of my family. Just like you are. Omegas used to be treated like slaves because we didn't know what to do with them. I know I was quick to punish and it was bad for them, but when I saw what Vox was doing to Omegas, I couldn't keep being hurtful to them. We have more Omegas than any other pack and they are just as useful, just in other ways. They aren't the brightest; you are an exception, so they generally go to school and then work at home or in one of our higher ranks businesses. It's easier to keep them safe. Humans bully them at school so sometimes we have to pull the younger ones out and homeschool them. Omegas are a lot of work. They are just weaker physically and emotionally. It's not bad, just time consuming and resource sucking."

He said all of this like I should feel bad for being an Omega and he was helping me greatly. I didn't feel bad for being an Omega and I didn't feel bad for him having to help other Omegas. They may be physically weaker, but we are not emotionally weaker.

I somehow gathered some courage to yell at him with such great force, my face was turning red.

"You think Omegas are weak? Who takes punches and gets skinned alive and still survives to say 'Yes, Alpha' when you demand us to work grueling tasks that no one else wants to do? We do. We do it with a smile on our faces because we know that if we frown or sass back we could have our eyes plucked out, our ears cut off, and our fingers broken repeatedly. Or my personal favorite, get raped by every higher ranking male in the damn pack. Omegas aren't emotionally weak; we are stronger than any Alpha could ever be. I saw a Beta have his pinkies cut off for losing me in New York. He looked murderous and poured the entire ride back when I was finally caught. Have you seen me pout one fucking time over my back?! No! I cleaned your damn house, made your damn food and even didn't struggle when you started to take me last night and I'm fucking pregnant!"

He flinched when I mentioned the rape part. He was back to looking blankly at me and having no emotion.

"You're right."

"Excuse me, what?"

"You're right. I have had Omegas come here missing arms and legs and they get their job done faster than higher ranks and just say thank you to me every time they see me, as if I performed a miracle by walking past them. That is why we gather Omegas here. It is easier when they are not marked because their mate can request them back and I have no option but to comply or tear their pack apart, which has been done before and will probably happen again." He was smirking and looking off into nowhere possibly remembering slaughtering a pack of werewolves."

"Ahh thank you. I didn't think you would agree. I don't really know what to say."

"Say You will stay with me. I was angry that they brought a marked Omega here again especially pregnant, but please stay with me."

"I have nowhere else to go genius. Of course I am staying here if you let me."

"You always have a choice. You can go to anyone of our neighboring packs and they will protect you the same as I will, but I am asking you to stay with me."

"You don't even know me."

"But I want to."

I had massive drops streaking from my eyes at his sweet gesture. I kept thinking back to my other Alphas and how they treated Omegas and how different this man seemed. The least I could do was try.

"Of course I'll stay."

He hugged me tightly, almost crushing my baby bump. It almost sounded like he was crying too.

"Good. Now rest. I can make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They may be a little torn, but they taste good."

"Haha. You have got to be kidding me. Get out of my way and if I see you in the kitchen I will spank you, Alpha."

He smirked at me and walked out of my way.

I made brunch for us since it was already early afternoon. I thought an assortment of pancakes, omelets, and sandwiches would be perfect on the patio of the small cabin. The sun was shining, I wasn't worried about being poisoned and so far, I hadn't been whipped lately. Things were looking up. Maybe I could ask to try to get a job, after he stuffs himself and is in a food coma of course.

The Choices That We Make Book 1Where stories live. Discover now