Chapter Fourteen

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Ben's POV-
I don't even know why I'm asking her this. I know the answer is no. But just now..
I thought I saw..
Something loving in her eyes as she looked at me.
"Oh Ben." She says as she places her hands in the sides of my face, cupping my cheeks. I brace myself for the sting of rejection...
But instead, I feel her lips on mine.
At first our kiss is shy and scared, but then it's longing and desperate. We have both waited so long for love, it's a light of sunshine in our dark and stormy lives. As we break apart our foreheads press together and I ask,
"Is.. Is that a yes?"
"Yes Ben it's a yes." She says, a smirk dancing on her lips.
I'm so happy I can't think!

Rey's POV-
As I press my lips to Ben's, colored lights explode behind my eyelids. My heart is fluttering in my chest so much I'm afraid it's going to break out of my ribs and fly away.
I love him.
As our foreheads press together he asks shyly,
" Is... Is that a yes? "
"Yes Ben it's a yes." I love how he had to clarify. I giggle and smile.
He laughs loudly and picks me up by my waist and spins me around. I laugh and scream and he laughs and puts me down.
As we walk back to our rooms he leaves me at my door with a kiss on the cheek and a whisper in my ear.
"Rey I'm so happy."
And then he's gone. As I step into my room I close the door and kick off my shoes. I step out of my dress and drapes it over a chair. I got in it the bathroom and start taking down my hair so I can take a bath.
I step out if the bathroom with a towel around me. I go into my closet and see Ben's shirt on a hanger. I pull it on and then braid my hair down my back.
I go and knock on the door that conjoins our rooms.
"Come in." He says and I open the door.
He's sitting in a chair with a book. He's in a sleeping robe and pants, and his hair is in a ponytail. I'm feeling daring after our kiss, so I go over and sit on his lap and put my head on his chest. He puts his hand on my back and rubs small circles.
"Is there anything you need? Or did you just miss this handsome face?" He says with a chuckle.
"I got scared being all alone." I say looking up at him.
"But didn't you live alone?" He asks.
"Yeah, but back then there was nobody to be with, so being alone was the only option. But now I have you in my life, and I never went to be alone again." I say telling him the truth.
"I feel the exact same way. Growing up my dad tried to be there for me, but he didn't really understand parenting, and my mom was always so busy, it was hard. When they sent me to the Jedi group with Luke I felt like they were sending me away. I grew lonely and distant. I hated being like that, but I hated more the fact that nobody understood me. But you understand me Rey." He said smiling down at me.
"I love you Ben." I say, and I nuzzle my head into his chest.

Ben's POV-
As her breathing grows soft and even, I know she has fallen asleep.
I pick her up, and walk with her to my bed, where I lay her down, then crawl in with her, wrapping my arms around her small figure, holding her close to my chest.
I start to drift off, but hen I remember.
After caring for Rey for so many days I forgot. I must find him. He's probably already escaped, but I will search the entire galaxy if it means finding him and killing him so that my precious Rey can be safe.
I love her with all my heart, and I will protect her with all my heart.

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