Chapter Seventeen

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Hey guys, sorry for the darkness in the last chapter, but after the rain comes the rainbow right? So let's get some sunshine in this book!
Rey's POV-
I sit up in bed and look around. I'm in the med bay, in a room. There's someone sitting next to me but I can't tell who it is because their whole face is covered in bandages except for their eyes nostrils and mouth, but their eyes are closed, so I don't recognize them.
"Who are you?" I say to the person, my voice raspy and hoarse.
Their eyes spring open and they rush to my side.
Those eyes tell me who it is right away. Deep and seemingly endless chocolate flecked with gold stares back at me and I smile.
"Re-" I cut him off by gently pressing my lips to his so I don't hurt his face. I pull back.
"Ben. I love you." I say to him, meaning it.
"Oh Rey I love you more than my own life!" He says.
"But you forget Ben that you are my life. When you hurt yourself you hurt me. Ben I never want you to feel like you did today in the hall ever again."
"Rey I promise to take care of myself from now on." He says and then he kisses me again.
I sigh and lean back.
"So I'm guessing you want to know what's going on."
"Well an explanation would be nice. I saw the way you reacted when you ran into me, if it was something I did I am so sorry that I hurt you."
"No Ben it's not something you did. Hux dressed up in your uniform and put on your mask, and tried to kill me while I though he was you. But I escaped and ran away, but when I ran into you you can imagine my terror and confusion. That's why I hid, it was nothing to do with you."
I don't know what medication the med bots put me on, but I feel perfectly fine, so I leap out of my bed and stop him from storming out the door to go track down Hux.
"Ben wait." I say and I take his arm and lead him back to the bed where we sit down together.
"I was thinking about this when I was inside the wall and I think it's time I told you. Leia told me I should pretend I loved you to get you to come back to the light. And at first I listened. But something crazy happened and I actually fell for you."
He interrupts me.
"oh. Snoke asked me to do the same thing."
"Our relationship is crazy and insane and without a doubt the most dangerous thing I've ever done. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. But we are the yin and the yang of this universe. But black and white make grey right? So- so what if we created a new order? The Gray Order.
"It would be be something where there were leaders from all of the planets, and they would come and there would be a council and that's how agreements and decisions were made, but there would be two people who were like the main leaders, the two people who united the split halves of our universe back together... You and me."
I'm shy about sharing my ideas, sure they will be shot down for being silly. Nothing like that has ever been proposed before.
But Ben stares open mouthed at me, and then says,
"R-Rey that's the smartest idea this whole universe has ever had! My god that's the smartest and most insane idea ever! Rey your a genius!" He laughs and picks me up, spinning me around.
I laugh to. I feel like something new is starting. Something so big I can't even begin to imagine the depth of the possibilities that are unlocking.
It's a whole new world.

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