Chapter Eleven

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Rey's POV-
It's been a few days since I got discharged from the medical wing. Ben has been watching me at night while I sleep in his bed, just to make sure I'm ok.
Im sitting on his bed reading one of his many books when he comes over and sits next to me.
"Your doing better right?" He asks me.
"Yes I'm doing much better. I can't sit cross legged yet and my clothes hurt me all day, but I'm doing much better."
"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting Rey?" He asks concern written plainly on his face.
"Why do they hurt?"
"The cloth is rough and tight because it's designed to keep sand out, but it doesn't feel good on my skin." I'm embarrassed that I'm telling him this.
"Let me get you something else to wear!" He says and he rushes over to his closet.
He comes back holding one of his black sleeping tunics. He's a giant compared to me so when I hold it up it's like a loose, soft dress.
"Turn away." I say to him as I change into it. "No peeking!"
"I'm not!" He says while laughing.
As I drop my clothes onto the floor from under his tunic I sigh and spin around gently.
"Thank you for saving me from those dreadful rags!" I say smiling.
"Your welcome." He says smiling and laughing.
As I sit back on his bed he turns and takes my hands.
"Rey your not a prisoner to me anymore. And even though you don't love me like I love you I want us to be friends." He says. "So I'm making you my esteemed guest. You will have your own private chambers and you can join me wherever I go. Oh Rey pease say you'll do this for me?" He asks pleading in his eyes.
I'm shocked at this sudden turn, but I'm happy to accept. I don't want to be his prisoner, but I don't want to go home yet. I'm not quite done with this feeling I get when I'm around him.
You aren't going home because your mission isn't done yet. Not because you actually care. A voice from somewhere dark inside says.
I ignore it and decide to accept his offer.
"Ben thank you!! I would love to spend more time with you." I say smiling at him. And then I do something that shocks us both.
I fling my arms around his neck and embrace him tightly.
At first he stiffens, but then he relaxes and gently places his hands on my back, hugging me gently so I don't get hurt.
"Would you like me to show you your quarters?" He says into my ear.
"Oh yes I would love to Ben!" I say, excited. He seems excited to.
"I had it personally decorated just for you Rey." He says as he takes my hand to lead me to a side door in the back of his quarters.
"But Ben, what would you have done if I had said no?" I ask, worried that maybe he's been deceiving me and this whole thing between us is a lie.
"Rey, honestly I didn't want to think like that because if you had said no, I don't think I would be able to function because I would be without you."  He says, tears brimming at his eyes.
"Oh Ben." I say and I take his face in my hands. "You don't need me to be an amazing capable person."
Then instead of giving him false hope that I loved him as something other than a friend, I turned to the door and pressed the button for it to slide open. It did, revealing the most stunning room I had ever seen. The walls were a soft grey, with one raspberry red accent wall. The floors were a dark brown wood that were shiny and new. There was s plump and soft queen bed against one wall that had sheets to match the grey and raspberry theme, and there was a walk in closet, and reading corner, with beautiful shelving stocked with hundreds of books I'd never read. As I walked in awe through it all I saw the huge window. It showed the starry sky outside and I pressed my face against it and sighed. It was beautiful. The room was beautiful. I turned to Ben and rushed over to him where I flung myself into his arms.
"It's perfect." I whispered in his ear.
"I'm glad you like it." He said smiling as he set me down. "I'm really sorry that I have to leave you, but I have work. Would you mind if you came with me to the ball that's being hosted tonight? I have to host it impress some representatives, but I have a feeling you will hit off with my friend Plasma, so it won't be all boring right?"
"Oh wow. That sounds wonderful Ben! I would love to join you."
"Great! 8:pm then." And he smiles and waves sheepishly as he closes my door.
I sigh.
What a day.

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