The Moon Goddess' daughter

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I am 17?

Chapter 2

He starred at me, I starred at him. We were both in bed, but we know we can't have sex yet. So we just had to kiss.

I pulled his head closer to me, but he just starred at my breasts, he reached his hand but I slapped it away. He had an angry look then I allowed it even though he wanted to. Instead he slid his hand down my body then over my panties, I could see it in his face that he is gonna rip it off.

I moved away from him but then he came closer and closer. I climbed out of bed and so did he said "stand still" in his Alpha voice and I assumed that he had a pack. I blended down slowly while he got up and pulled my panties down, while I was bending down I looked at him. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Shhh it's gonna be alright, just stay right there" he answered, he looked quite mad.

I walked over to the corner of the room and he followed. He pusses me against the wall with my back facing him. I turned to face him, but that made him angrier so I faced the wall wondering what he was doing. I covered my butt so he won't do any funny business then he gave me a loud goral that made me jump in fear.

"Don't be scared, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said. I asked him "then what are you going to do", he said "it's getting late let's sleep", I nodded.

=dream= *I was having a conversation with my mother she was surprised that I found my mate, she said "honey I haven't told you this but you are actually older than what you think, you are 17 years old", I asked her " how am I 17 you told me I'm 14?". "Sorry I lied I just didn't want you to grow up but then now it's time you know your real age and..." She got cut of by the first tear from her eyes. "Mum, what's wrong is there something you need to tell me?", she nodded and said "well now that you know your real age I have to let you go". "What do you mean?" I asked her confused. "It's time you may live with your mate do what ever but without me, I will still be in your dreams but one day I'll come visit you in person" she said while I'm looking at her confused. She waved 'goodbye' and I waved back and woke up.

I looked around my room to see where my mate was. I heard a voice asking me "how old are you?" .I answered to the voice "18". A person walked out of the darkness, my mate was surprised, I asked him the same question he answered "20". 'Well that figures he pulled my panties down' I said to myself.

He walked over to me, pulled my blanket off me and climbed on top of me. 'He just wants to have sex with me' I said to myself again. For the first time in 3 years I heard my wolf yell at me me 'GIVE THAT LITTLE BOY WHAT HE WANTS'.

Every time when our lips touched I felt my whole body shiver, he put his bare chest against my breasts. 'I guess he is HORNY' I said to myself. I reached out my hand to his underwear and pulled it down so he can do 'what he pleases'.

He climbed off me and shuffled to the end of the bed where my feet was, he slowly pushed my knees up so they bend while my feet is still on the bed then he slowly separated my knees till both are touching the bed. 'I knew he was gonna do that' I said to myself and my Wolf said 'ah oh horny bastard is gonna get his price'.

My mate asked me an easy but appropriate question "Are You Ready?", I starred at him with a blank face.





Sorry it took ages for me to update, I hope this chapter was not that bad.

I'll try not to take this long to update again I might update chapter 3 today.

<3 ya all


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