The Moon Goddes' Daughter

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Ran away and on labour

Chapter 7

Kelly's POV

*dream* 1 month after the baby boy is born, he started hitting me till I have a blood nose but Bella thinks I hit myself cause I was mad "but Jim hit me, look there is my blood in his fist" I told her but she shook her head in disagreement. Then she yelled at me "GO TO YOUR ROOM KELLY YOUR GROUNDED" and Shelly (my mum) came out of the living room looking at me disappointed.

"I DONT WANT TO LIVE THIS LIFE WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO MEAN WHEN IM INNOCENT, I HATE YOU" I yelled at Bella, but she pointed at my bedroom door telling me to go. I started crying walking to my door. This has happened to me once I wasn't allowed out of my room for a week. I don't want to live this life I need to run away so I don't have to be Jim's aunt. 'GOODBYE BLUE MOON PACK' I kept yelling in my head but my wolf refuses to let me run away. *end of dream*

I woke up seeing its 3 in the morning, 1 month before the baby is born and I am so sweaty I need to take a bath. I got up and took quick bath and went to my closet to put a heart shirt on, pink panties and some cute jeans.

I couldn't stop thinking of my dream 'I don't want to be an aunt' I said to my wolf and she agreed. I took out a suitcase and put some clothes in and shoes. I took my teddy bear that was lying on my bed, I took the suitcase and my phone next to my bed and shoved I the my bag. So I walked put of the room seeing that James was walking out of his room watching me with my teddy in my hands and the suitcase was hidden behind the door.

"What are you doing?" He asked me. "I don't want to live this life, I not want to be an aunt" I said crying and he walked over to me. When he sat down on the floor while I was on my knees he saw my suitcase and looked back at me confused.

"I'm running away and you can't stop me James!" I yelled at him. "Why do you want to run away Kelly?" He asked and I said. "You already know the answer I told you just before". "Is this about the baby?" He softly asked my and I nodded. I walked passed him for the front door. I walked down the stairs and when I got to the door James grabbed my hand and I turned around.

"Look don't go, you know we will miss you" he said with a tear dripping off his face. "I know you will but Bella and Shelly won't" I told him and his face was blank. I ripped my hand out of his huge one and walked outside the door. I turned around again and said "don't tell Bella anything, and tell her not to come for me I left a note for her in my room so leave it until she reads it okay" he nodded. I turned around and started running away.


3 hours later of running


I was running for who knows how long so I stopped and took my phone out. "It's 6 am, wow I was running for 3 hours?" I asked my self I knew the answer but then I heard someone's footsteps walking towards me. I turned around and I saw an unfamiliar man. He asked me "who are you, and what are you doing trespassing my pack?" I did t know what to answer him but then he said "come inside, I'm the leader and if your not safe come with me if you want to be safe" and I walked over to him.

We walked in the pack house and walked to his office. He sat down and offered me a seat, I sat down and he asked me "what is your name?" I answered him "K-K-Kelly" he noticed I was scared but he went on "Why are you here" and I answered "I ran away from my pack". "Why?" He asked. I answered him "because if I stayed I wouldn't be appreciated being an aunt" he looked at me with wide eyes. "How come your going to be an aunt?" He asked me and I answered him "because my sister who is 18 is pregnant and I can't stand being the baby's future aunt" I burst out crying.

He walked over to me and put my hand on my shoulder, he said "I'm Sam and don't worry you can stay here and join my pack, the Shadow Star Pack" he told me and them I realized this pack defends what ever is needed no matter what. I nodded and I yawned. He said "you can sleep in the guest room" I nodded and he led me there in his arms. He opened the door for me while I was fast asleep in his arms so he tucked me in bed.

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