The Moon Goddess' daughter

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Chapter 3

I starred at him with a blank face, 'Oh I hope our mum doesn't see this' my wolf whined. 'Quit your whining, mum will never be disappointed at us!' I yelled at my wolf, 'oh yeah, remember the last time you were swearing in her face!' She said sarcastically. 'oh' was my reply to her.

As I starred at James she had a small but cute smile in his face that made me smile. Quickly his smile faded "Are you ready?" he repeated, I answered "no!". I pussed him off me and walked over to my closet, I took out a matching bra and panties, and slid them on then I took out some jeans and a t-shirt with a flower on it.

I noticed that James was watching me that whole time and I groaned. He asked me a question so deeply thoughtless, unforgettable "Will you join my pack and be our Luna at the Blue Moon Pack?" I starred at him thinking what I should say I knew the. Blue Moon Pack was the strongest packs in South Africa. I didn't want to leave my favorite little sis, but how he was lying on the bed make me feel like Jelly.

I asked him "May my little sister join the pack too?", he nodded. He asked me another question, "what about the rest of your family?". I stood frozen and answered "they are human", I took a couple of steppes back in fear knowing he is gonna reject me or then say my little sister can't join the pack.

"Alright, so you and your little sis?" He questioned, I nodded. I walked out of the room to Kelly's room which was in the far side of the house, I knocked and took a deep breath. A few seconds later Kelly opened the door with a big smile in her face, she ran out her room and hugged me tight and I hugged her back.

I at old her "I found my mate Kelly, and he asked me and you to join his pack", she looked at me still her cute smile in her face. "Sissy, ok I'll go" I nodded and she turned around and went inside her room packing all her belongings and I did the same in my room. James watched my every move packing all my favorite clothes, shampoo, conditioner, soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, etc.

When we were ready I asked him kindly if he could put his clothes on, and he did so. We all were ready to go out the door and make our way to James' pack, but we heard the door flung open I told Kelly not to move and the same with my mate as I walked over to the "oh" quietly when I say it's my parents, you know Dave and Shelly Heart.

The three of us snuck out the back door instead, and walked over to James' car which was at the school still. When we came to the car we put our stuff in the back and climbed in. I was the last one to get but before I did I heard Dave and Shelly scream put "Kelly!!!!!!!!! Why would you run away!!!!!!! Noooooo!!!!!!!!" I heard them crying for their 6 year old daughter which was in James' car waiting just for me to get in and I did.


When we arrived at the pack we climbed out got our things and walked towards the pack house. I looked over too Kelly seeing that she was so nervous made me nervous. The James came to the rescue with his hand on my waist the. I felt like Jelly again.

Kelly and I met the whole pack in one hour which was very tiring. James showed Kelly her room and she went running around and already decorating it with flowers, fairies, pink, purple, baby blue, etc.

Then James showed me 'our' room which was so big I saw that 'our' closet, 'our' bathroom and 'our' king sized bed was very well hidden. 'Wow, this room is awesome' my Wolf told me and I just felt myself turning around so I could see every part of the room. Oh this made me more existed of living here, but oh no I just remembered I have forgotten my enclave that my mom gave me the last time I saw her.

I turned around and said 'James I forgot my necklace..." He cut me off, "shh, shh baby I'm here you don't need a necklace your eyes are matching diamonds in my eyes. I felt like Jelly agin but I needed that necklace my mum gave it to me so I came forward o to his ear a whispered "I need the necklace it's special to me because my mum gave it too me", he nodded knowing what it looks like because he saw it on my neck when I was at school with him.

He went out off the room climbed in his car and drove off and left me on the bed alone and cold. Then I saw an running happy face at the door that made me have a fright "Kelly you scared me!" I accidentally yelled at her and I knew she doesn't like to be yelled at. So her happy face faded to a crying face, and walked over to me. "Sorry sissy I won't do it again, are you going to spank me?"

She asked, "do you want one?" I asked her back. She nodded and I asked "why?" And she said "so I won't scare you again, I know you don't like to be scared and you know I don't like to be yelled at so?

She closed the door behind her and she walked over to me pulled off her pants and panties then climbed over my knee. I spanked her hard and painful till her butt was red hit by hit by hit by hit, she burst out crying loudly but good thing the doors and walls were very thick so nobody can hear. I kept on going until I finally stopped when her but was RED.

She put her panties and pants back on looking down sadly I asked her "are you going to do that again Kelly?" She answered "no sissy I will never scare you again" she walked over to a corner and stood there for 20 minutes and then I asked her "have you learned your lesson Kelly?" She nodded and turned around walked over to me and sat right next to me.


When finally James got back I was so relieved to get my necklace I thanked him with a kiss while Kelly was sitting on the bed looking down sadly.

It's was 6 o-clock I told Kelly "Kelly let's go take a bath so you can go to bed" she nodded, jumped off the bed and followed me. I put in a nice warm bath with her favorite pink bubbles in. She climbed in and I still see her bum red I guess it's still hurting, she looked at me still in tears and I wiped them off with my thumb. I bought her pink sponge and put on some soap for her and I washed every part of her body accept her face. So I took the washcloth poorer some water on and washed her face.

She was still sad so when I let her climb out of the tub I put her favorite pink towel on and said "hey tomorrow we both will have the best day ever okay we will do anything you want", "anything?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to her closet and I picked out her matching pink pajamas with a lot of cupcakes on it.

I tucked her in bed and kissed her goodnight. I turned around and walked 2 steps away from then till I heard her saying "wait sissy" I turned around and said "yes" she grabbed a large book from under her pillow, it was called 'Finding a Mate'. I started read only 2 cheers for her I noticed the chapters were very long then I looked up and she was sound asleep.

I sneakily got off from the chair I was sitting on walked out of her room and silently closed the door behind me. I walked over too my room seeing James was waiting for me. He was sexually lying on the bed with only his underwear on. I gave him a look that is saying 'it's too early for sex' he gave me a sad face which made me groan so I took a pillow and put it on the couch that can be turned into a bed and I grabbed some spare blanket from the closet and I threw it over the couch that I made into a bed.

I climbed into the bed I made starring at James who was switching off the light and climbed back in his bed, I starred in his emerald green eyes as he starred into my diamond blue we had a small conversation about how cute we both looked for each other I giggle every time he said a sweat thing like 'I love you so much that I don't want to let you out of my sight'. We fell asleep.





Hey guys plz don't judge me about the spanking it just randomly popped in my head for no reason, but hey this is chapter 3 it took me like 2 or 3 hours to write so this one is definitely longer that the previous 2.

As I said plz don't judge of the spanking.

And another one guys I changed my name from zdek001 to WhiteWolf_123.

So hope you like this chapter more to come come.

So this time I'll say |


Plz vote, comment guys I really appreciate it, it does so much for me

Quick hint guys I might put in spanking for other chapters it's not my fault it's just something that my mum and dad did to me when I wasn't listening most of the time I didn't do anything wrong and I still got it so plz don't judge it's not my fault.

<3 ya all


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