The Moongoddess' Daughter

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The Club

Chapter 12:

Bella's POV

I silently closed Kelly's door and walked over to my room where I saw my two beautiful pups sleeping in their cribs with Maddison looking after them. 'This was all James, right?' I asked my wolf and she quickly responded '100% yes' she said 'or it could have been your daughters talking' (sarcastic).

I walked down the stairs and nobody were still awake accept Fiona the bossy mother of two adorable pups Tim and Tom I know it's kinda close but their twins.

I walked outside seeing nothing but darkness accept a darker colour (darker than the night) A/N. ---->You know you still get some light from the sun at night time. <----- A.N. I think I see James's car (forgot to tell you what it is) yeah you guys might think its the car from back to the future. No he didn't pick that one it makes too much noise so he took his Black BMW. I turned on my phone and turned it the way to where I think the car was. Yup it's the BMW. I see a head peeking at the window. It's James. I smiled and climbed in the car. He turned on the music on the radio and I sang out the lyrics. He started the car and we are on our way to the wolf club.


We arrived at the club and got out the car. I smiled as James grabs hold of me. We made our way to the club and entered it. We had the best time of our life. He got us one drink and I was waiting. I looked around the club and saw someone very familiar.

He walked over to me and started a conversation "hey little sister I never thought I would see you here". "S-Sam?" I asked confused and he nodded. He is my older brother that always abused me after I was 6 years old. I took 2 steps back away from him, but he followed.

He pushed me onto the wall and spoke "why are you here! You know father will kill you when he finds you here" I didn't answer him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the exit. "Now get going! You're not supposed to be here!" He pushed me through the door and we heard a loud growl. I looked over to see James staring at us.

"Get away from her!" He ordered. Sam didn't let go of me he just held on as James' eyes went black, dropped the drinks and threw Sam to the ground. "You don't touch her you here me!" James yelled at him. I quickly kissed James' cheek to get his attention. He looked at me and I whispered "let's go home". He nodded and lead my outside

We headed back to the car, but as we are walking I spotted something in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see what it was and it was a baby on top of a red car. I signaled James to stop and I walked towards the baby.

I turned my phone on to show some light and the baby had black hair. Dark blue eyes, and she has my smile. I finally noted who she was, "Sophie" I called to the baby and she started giggling. I looked over to James with shock in his face. I quickly picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"Hey what are you doing there!" I heard someone scream. I turned to see who it was "oh no" I softly said. "You can't just take a baby from its mother" the cop yelled at me. I looked confused and I saw a lady inside the red car looking at me. "What are you talking about Sophie is my child" I said but the cop shook his head.

James came I front of me protectively. He signaled me to get to the car and I did. Incase I made made it look like I climbed in a dark car but I climbed in James' car. 'Nice move momma' I heard a different voice in my head it wasn't my wolf. I looked down at Sophie as she was looking at me 'yeah I'm talking to you momma' she mind linked me in our family mind link I made with my powers.

I nodded as James talked some sense into the cop. By talking sense into him I mean beating the shit out of him. James ran to the car, started it and drove away.





Hey guys it's Zoe sorry haven't updated in 100 years but here is a new one PLZ give me some ideas for the next chapter I promise you will hear about Bella's secret.

Hope you loved this chapter aaaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd you just found out that Bella has a big brother who is 20 years old.

Btw the car pictures I posted its James's black BMW.

I will be back soon bye guys


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