|Shot 34| • The Ice • |Stenbrough|

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I looked up at the fluffy crystals falling gently on my nose. They brimmed my coat and the filled the air with a clean, cold aroma. I looked over at Stan who was slipping on his skates nervously.

"Don't worry, Stanny. It'll b-be fun" I assured him.

"Alright...but I've never been ice skating before" he explained.

"It's easy, d-don't worry. I'll sh-show you" I smiled, and finished lacing up my skates.

He finished putting his on and stood up, catching himself as he wobbled around. I giggled and grabbed his hand.

"C-Come on" I guided him to the ice. "Hold on to muh-muh-my hand i-if you need to"

"Oh believe me I will" he chuckled, and squeezed my hand as he clutched my arm.

Once we got onto the ice, I glided easily without slipping. He lost his balance however, and I chuckled warmly as I grabbed his hands and pulled him up. I pulled him close and kissed his soft lips. He kissed back immediately.

"Come on" I smiled, and he grinned back, flashing the perfect indents in his cheeks.

"How're you so good at this?" he said enviously.

"I yuh-used to come here with j-juh-Georgie" I said mournfully.

"Oh..." he replied sheepishly, but it wasn't his fault.

"D-Don't worry, now's m-my chance to make n-new memories. With you" I grinned.

His crimson cheeks glowed as he smiled. I grabbed his hand and helped him skate around. He got good enough that he didn't need me for support.

"L-Look, Stan. You're a n-natural!" I praised him.

"This is fun!" he said excitedly.

And just when we were enjoying this perfect moment, I heard a rumbling beneath my feet, a horrible cracking sound. I stopped, sending a shower of ice flying from my skates scraping the ice abruptly. I carefully shifted my eyes to Stan.

He had stopped too, and was staring at the ice petrified.

"S-Stan?" I questioned worriedly.

He didn't answer, but he lifted his eyes to meet mine. I read fear in his eyes as he looked at me. That scared me too.

"Stan, d-don't move" I directed, but inside I was screaming.

Please no, please God, no.

I carefully made my way over to him. More cracks were made but not as large as before. My breathing became irregular, and steam poured from my mouth. I was nearly there, just a few more steps, just a little more...

And just when I reached for his hand, the ice caved in. We both fell, but managed to grab onto the edge.

"BILL!" he cried.

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