24- Completely

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Jane's POV

That night I slept over Luke's house. I texted Mike at like, 3:36 PM saying that I was okay and everything was okay and then I said I was going to stay at Luke's house. He didn't reply until later on at around 6:09 PM while me and Luke were having dinner. He said:
'Okay. I'm glad that everything is okay. I'm not home anyways so if you decided to come home and wonder where I am, I'm at Ella's.'
'Okie dokes.' I texted back.
"Everything okay?" Luke asked me, making me look away from my phone to him. He was still shirtless but he had pants on now. His blonde hair was all messed up but it was sexy.
"Yeah," just texting Mike, saying that everything is all good.
"How are you guys going anyways?"
"Still a bit weird thinking that he's my brother and you know..."
"Your brother isn't?"
"Yeah. I don't know. I think of him as a friend."
"But that's the thing about brothers, they're your family and your friends." He was probably right.
"Maybe, but I've never had a real you know," I sigh.
"No! What? Brother!"
"Oh...." His face was disappointed. And like he expect me to say yes to that. But I wish I could say no because it was quite embarrassing.
"Well, to be honest... I am-was a virgin."
Luke dropped his fork, coursing the plate to make a big DONG sound. And stared at me, open mouthed.
"That face... Isn't attractive."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes, it's very distracting and quite horrifying."
"No---- are you a virgin?"
"Well, not anymore." I winked.
"Luke, you took my virginity."
He stared at me in a disbelief. "I'm not even your boyfriend..."
"Well, maybe you should change that." I laughed hysterically and looked away from him and back to my near empty plate of Spaghetti. I wanted him to just ask me out, make a move... So I knew what we just done was as important and amazing to him, like it was for me. But he didn't say anything. He stayed silent. Maybe he thought I was joking? This was awkward. I could still feel the glaring eyes of disbelief on me from Luke.
And then I heard is soft chuckled. "Yeah, maybe I should."

Two months and three days later...

Luke's POV

It's been been awhile since me and Jane had sex. We have been close and see each other every so often. We haven't done anything intimate since then. It was a heat of the moment sort of thing. Though my feelings for her have grown for sure and I know for sure that I love her more than anything in the world.
She was my beautiful treasure.
I hadn't asked her out or anything, but I've gotten so close to. So close. There's been times when she comes over, that I want to. And then I whimp out. But it want to be with her so I don't know what's wrong with me.
We talk about Calum everyday like its healthy. Really, most of the time, Jane just asks how I am about it and if I miss him. "Yes," I say to her each time, "and I know that he misses me too." Because he would. Because he's my best friend.
But I've grown better than I was, and it all was because of Jane.
Today, she came over and we ended up sitting in the couch in the lounge room, eating popcorn - even though full - watching Charlie and Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp version, the best version) at the end of the night. It was Jane's idea.
Currently, we are up to the bit where they were in the room full of eatable stuff, and Willy Wonka was taking to the children. "Everything is eatable in this room. Even I, am eatable. But that it's cannamalism, children..." Jane giggled over the next line and I looked down at her.
She was resting her head on my bare chest; her cheeks were warm against my body. She was so close to me, like she belonged there. Like she made me whole, complete. Like she was my other half, my second heart that bested with mine - that I've lost for so long and finally found. She was with me again. And I didn't want to leave.
So why don't make a move? I thought. I didn't know. I couldn't take my eyes off her and I loved her with all my heart and soul. But then I thought of Calum. And how he disappeared on his love when was still so young.
And I don't want that to happened to her. I don't want to start loving her and being with her and then, I'm taken. I'm gone... Along with Calum. I cannot do that to her. It'd break her.
Look at Ella... Is she coping?
Would Jane cope?
Would me loving her like this be enough or did I have to make it official?
And if so... How?
"Luke," a small soft voice whispered in my ear.
"Yeah Janey?"
"I'm tired. I wanna sweeeeep." Her voice was cute and tired and adorable... I just wanted to kiss her. But then I got up with an 'okay' and picked her up Bridal Style because I didn't want we to bang into anything because she looked quite asleep.
I went down the hallway, and went left and then left again and laid her on my bed.
And then I laid down next to her and put my arms around her waist.
I heard her soft and slow breathing and faint sound of her heart beat. "Luke," she said faintly.
"Yeah baby?" I whisper so close to her hair.
"I love you."
"Jane, I love you too."
"Yeah, of course."
"Then why aren't we together?"
"I... I don't know. Do you want to be?"
"Yes. More than anything. I want to be with you completely."
And then I thought about it. So did I. I wanted to be with her.
And not just like this but completely and utterly together.
Like we were in love.
Like I could hold her in my arms without a care in the world.
So that when someone sees us on the street, they'll point and look down to their children, and say, "that, that son.... That is love."
I want to be with her in every single way, every possible way.
"So marry me, Jane." I said.


Heartbreak and Love: A Luke Hemmings StoryWhere stories live. Discover now