Mississippi Mud Pie

21 4 1

Written by @Survivingphysics



-225g plain flour and some more for dusting.

-2 tbsp cocoa powder

-150 g butter

-2 tbsp caster sugar (This should be powdered)

-1-2 tbsp or as needed cold water (For the dough)


-175 g butter

-350 g brown sugar

-4 eggs, lightly beaten

-4 tbsp cocoa powder (Its compulsory to sift this powder)

-150 g plain chocolate

-300 ml single cream

 -1 tsp chocolate extract ( I used chocolate essence instead, works the same)

 Decorating the pie

-As needed, whipped cream

-As needed, chocolate curls or flakes.

Okay! Let's bake this awesome yummy dessert!  

1) To make the pastry, first sift the flour and the cocoa powder into the mixing bowl. Rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar and cold water to make a soft dough. Wrap the dough and chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. [Start doing the filling in the mean time, to save time (see 3).]  

2) Remove the pastry and roll it out on a lightly floured work surface and use a pie tin or any type of small tin you have. (Now here I did something different) Instead of using baking beans and parchment which is bytheway too much of work, I used my fork! Thats right people, listen up. Use the fork to poke holes in the base to let air come in, to you know make it airy and tasty. I then used beaten single egg and brushed (I used a cotton ball) the surface with it. It has the same effect.   Bake in preheated oven, 190 degree celsius/ 375 degree F for 15 minutes.      

3)To make the filling, beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl and gradually beat in the eggs with the cocoa. Melt the chocolate and beat it into the mixture with the single cream and chocolate extract/essence.  

4)Reduce the oven temperature to 160 degree celsius/ 375 degree F. Pour the mixture into the pastry case and bake for 45 minutes or until the filling is set gently. (The filling might come up like how a cake comes, but not to fret people! The filling returns to its place back. Its wonderful to see it happen though. My blood pressure came up when that happened as I wasn't aware what would happen)  

5) Allow the mud pie to cool COMPLETELY, then transfer it to the serving plate, as you please. Cover it with the whipped cream. Decorate the pie with chocolate flakes and curls and then chill. Now it is ready to dig into!      



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