Advice 4 U

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Written by @theinfinitesparks

@notebooklover asked: Today, my cousin is having a transplant operation. And I am really worried. Help guys?

Hi again, my friend.

You should pray for him, hope the best for him, and don't be worried about what will happen in the future. If you think positively, things eventually and hopefully will always be fine.

And I hope your cousin's operation goes smoothly. :)

@KZ_Bella asked: So there is a guy, my friend introduced me to on facebook and from what she's told me, he's a good guy and he seems like the perfect bf. But the thing is I don't want to be in a relationship with him, I just want it to be a friends with benefits kind of since I'm afraid and not ready for commitment. My friend told me he doesn't have a problem with that.

I haven't talked to him but he said to my friend that he wants too. Here is another thing, he has a girlfriend right now but when he'll break up with her then he'll be ok with talking openly. So is it okay if I befriend him right now and get to know him? And is friends with benefits a good idea or will I just get in trouble for doing that?

Hello Bella,

Befriending and getting to know him is an alright thing to do; it's not a prescribed thing just because he is in a relationship and him making friends outside of his partner's circle of friends is a good thing.

But, to avoid jeopardizing the boy and his girlfriend's relationship—which you could be indirectly and inadvertently do at certain times, you must tell him yourself that all you want to be with him is friends only, no more and no less.

Also, since he has a girlfriend right now, it is best for you to keep your proximity with him at a comfort zone so that none of you would misunderstand your relationship with him.

@rainbowbitch89 asked: So my boyfriends ex gf is all "I wanna be your best friend" with my bf, she's been telling him she's been having thoughts abt them being together (but she has herself a bf now) however lemme tell you the reeason they broke up, she was dating his friend and cheated on him for my boyfriend, then cheated on him for the friend....and he still thinks she's attractive and he went to her bonfire party where everyone was drunk and I know it's wrong but I don't want to seem possessive or ugly telling him he can't be his ex bf's friend.


It's not that hard to sort it out, actually. 

There's no way you're going to decide who your boyfriend should be friends with, actually. Like you said, it'd sound very possessive and obsessive towards your boyfriend. He'd think that you're trying to control him if you do so, and it could really end badly.

In my opinion, you should let him be friends with his ex-girlfriend. Although, the only thing you can do to keep your boyfriend from getting snatched by the girl is keeping your proximity with him near and not distanced. Pepper and shower him with your love and heart-melting words.

Also, don't let him see that you're uneasy or aggravated whenever he's talking with her because if you do, then that girl might take the chance and possibly try to snatch him from you.

But if you said that your boyfriend still thinks that she's attractive, then you gotta make sure that he mustn't think that way. You should try your best to let him see your best.

And again, he's your boyfriend, not hers, and we all know the rules of being in a relationship: No glancing at other girls/boys and know your limits whenever there's something you need to talk to him about.

Don't sound too... controlling when you're discussing about his ex-girlfriend; he might think that you're too jealous and it's possible that he'll be the one who will instead cheat on you.


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