Wattpad's Happiest

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Written by Vintaginity

Let me start off by explaining what happiness really is. It's the pure joy of a smile caused by something that could be either small or big. Something as little as your hair looking exactly how you want it to, or something as huge as winning the lottery. [Yeah that would make me pretty darn happy]. Today, I want to talk about a few things that make me happy, along with other wattpad members.

I would like to start off with my WEIRDEST quirk that makes me happy. Three words; White Cheddar Popcorn. Yep, well other than the fact that there is Crazy bread and Vanilla Frosting. Or Ice cream from cold stone. I guess you could categorize this as food. Yet, that wouldn’t work either because I basically eat only ten different things. I’ve just listed four up above. I’m one of the most pickiest people you will ever meet when it comes to food. So getting the food that I actually like, makes me super happy.

Now when I posted on the forms for people to tell me what made them happy there were a lot of interesting responses. Most of them came pretty quickly too. I couldn’t help myself from laughing. [If you think of what happiness really is; happiness could be anything. But to be frank about it, happiness is just a chemical the transports itself through your veins].

What makes you happy?

Burning old people.

If you are anything like @oldpeopleburning you do simply that. You find happiness in ‘Burning old people’ At least that’s what I was told. This being the first first post on the thread was humourous and left me interested in hearing more.

Now in this thread there was an interesting discussion between oldpeopleburning and LadyofGatsby  about whether it was more logical to burn old people or burn young annoying kids. 

There were statements thrown around; things like those annoying kids could eventually grow up and be very helpful adults in our modern society whereas old people have already helped. They are now useless.

I myself, couldn’t help but think of the Old People Games that Chad Daniels a famous stand up comedian decided to try starting. He brought up a system where we would make it a creative pastime to kill old people. Mostly because they walk around with oxygen tanks but they still breath our air. They are the ultimate hoarders. So if an old person is over 85 you are supposed to find creative ways to kill them. Things like if they are taking too long to cross the street, you give them a double honk. There is a slight possibility of them dying.

But bringing up a good point they would have to have laws in place for something as insane as this. His thoughts were to set an age limit. Say it was 85, and you kill an 84 year old. Well you would have to spend that year in prison. But if they are 90 you will get five years credit. Like skee ball tickets that never expires. Ever do something illegal you can hand some tickets in and get off good.

Okay maybe not the best idea?

For others like  @XxShattered_FatexX II  @Invisible_Me1D II  @MyDarkDays  II @AwwILoveYouToo II it could be something as simple as, fluffy cats, chocolate, music, and making others happy. Something that I think is connectable with many others in the world. Everybody loves to make other happy and to see their friends with a big smile plastered across their face.

Well unless you are  @Park_Sheridan  in which case, other peoples sadness and despair causes happiness for you.

There are three groups above. The ones that are happy be logical situations the really aren’t that logical because we are not in the witch trials anymore. [Whoops] Or are you in the section of people that, feel like unicorns and rainbows are the happiest thing on earth. Fluffy cats, chocolate and music is all it takes. Yet again you also might be that person that honestly truly does love other peoples misery. 

Which are you? Be sure to comment below.

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