No Need For Anyone Else's Approval

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Written by @scintillating_

"Happiness comes more easily when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval." -- Unknown

Yes, this is very true. So many of us search for approval of other people that we aren't happy with ourselves.

Who cares what other people think? Just be you!

Sure, at first some people may judge you, but your true friends and family will be the ones that continue sticking by your side.

If you like wearing tu-tus, wear tu-tus! If you're a boy and you like to paint your nails, paint them! Show the whole dang world how glamorous they are! If you want to become an entertainer but your parents want you to become a doctor, tell them you want to be an entertainer and go against them!

Fight for what you want! Stop being so controlled and so unlike you! Do you want to be happy or not?

I've been in that place before, always looking for approval, and I'm sure everyone else has as well.

But just remember, you'll always be happier when you're yourself. (:

-- @scintillating / Amy Her

Pink Tiffany Magazine - Issue 3 HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now