Choosing Happiness

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Written by @fairygarden

"Choosing Happiness"

Happiness is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts ever. A lot of people preach about being healthy and eating good food--stuff like that. No one ever tells you that having a healthy mental state is also important. 

It makes us do sins and yet, its what makes us pray. It's what keeps pushing us to do what we do, and yet we don't even know what makes us happy.

It all depends on the person. I've always thought of myself as an unhappy person in my preteen years, because I never quite made out what made me happy. It's not that I never tried to search for it, the thing that makes me happy, I did try. And I failed each time. I remember typing in 'How to be Happy' in the web browser, because happiness had to come with a manual, right?

Every answer would be the same:

1. Focus on good things. (I don't even know what good things are anymore?)

2. Be more social and interact with friends. (You can't just say that to a socially awkward person like me.)

3. Exercise. (Oh, god. Exercising is the last thing on my mind right now. I can't even bring myself to brush my teeth in the morning.)

So one day, I woke up and thought "I'm not going to let anyone kill my vibe today." And I didn't let anything make me sad throughout that day.

That's it. That's all.

I didn't need a manual or a happiness-instructor or whatever. All I had to do was choose happiness. If I had known that at that time, those angsty preteen years would've passed by faster. What I'm trying to say is that I think people should start preaching about choosing happiness. 

Roald Dahl says:"A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose, a crooked mouth, a double chin and big teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."

(There is a scientific fact that if you smile, the day goes by faster.)

Pink Tiffany Magazine - Issue 3 HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now