Part 4: Rapunzel (Jungkook)

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"Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and baking, Paper-mache, a bit of ballet and chess . . ."

Night had fallen on the forest, the stars twinkled in the dark sky. A quiet humming drifted over the trees from the sole window in a dark tower. A young woman, about 20 years of age, sat on the wooden ledge. Her gaze fixed on the stars above, a sigh leaving her lips as the stars twinkled before her gaze fell to the ground below, 'He'll be here soon.'

The young woman gently stood from the window, moving across the circle room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Her long crimson dress slightly dragging behind her, frizzy short black hair grazed her shoulders and fell into her cold blue eyes.

When she reached her room, she pushed open the red curtain and entered. Flopping down on her bed, her eyes invonenterle shut once again, her mind wandering back to the man that would visit her soon, 'He's been coming for a few days now, maybe about a week. He never says anything, he just sits at the bottom of the tower with his eyes closed, swaying. All he ever does is listen to me sing, then he thanks me when I stop. I wish I knew his name', her eyes snapped open. She flipped onto to her stomach, stuffing her face into her pillows while kicking her bare feet, 'What am I thinking?! I can't do that! What if I make a fool of myself?!' The young woman went limp, her arms making their way under her head as she closed her eyes and sighed once more, 'But I really do want to know his name. I haven't seen another person since . . . . mother left.'

The woman felt a light padding on her upper arm. When she opened her eyes she was greeted by a small, neon green lizard with bright yellow eyes staring at her. She smiled at the small creature, running a finger down its scaley back, "Hey there Suga."

    The lizard pushed its head into her finger, before motioning towards the stairs

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The lizard pushed its head into her finger, before motioning towards the stairs.

The black haired girl was slightly shocked, "He's here?"

The tiny reptilian nodded it's head then proceeded to climb her arm to lay on her shoulder.

Hesitantly, the lady stood from her bed, making her way back to the window. She cautiously leaned her head out the window and over the edge, she could see the man laying down on the cold grass below. She assumed his eyes to be closed as he didn't react when her face appeared from the window.

A smile reached her face as she seated herself on the wooden ledge of the window, and began to sing.

Suga crawling into her lap and falling asleep to the sound of her voice.

She sang with all her heart, her thoughts and emotions seeping into her words.

The man at the bottom of the tower opened his eyes, staring longingly at the ledge as she sang, 'I wish I could see her at least once. I want to know her name, what she's like.'

As the woman sang she thought of something, and stopped.

This caused the man to snap his eyes open and jolt from his lying position to a sitting one, he yelled up in alarm, not being able to hold himself back, "What's wrong?! Is everything alright?!"

When no answer came, the brunette jumped to his feet. Jungkook ran to the tower, placing his hands on the cold stone, "Are you okay?!"

Then out of the dark of the night, a large rope fell from the top of the tower. It's end nearly touching the ground, but not quite.

Jungkook walked to the rope, puzzled as to its propose when suddenly a woman's voice called down to him, "Can you climb?!"

Relief filled him, he could only assume it was her, "Yes, but why?"

"Come up!"

A huge grin slipped onto his face as he grabbed onto the rope, pulling himself up. His arms and legs working in unison to climb higher and higher on the rope.

Jungkook's arms were about to give out when he finally reached the top of the colossal tower. He forced his hands to grip the ledge, before struggling to push himself up and over the wooden window seal. The brunette collapsed onto the tile floor of the round room, his chest heaving as he gasped for air. The young man was eventually able to roll himself into a sitting position, leaning against the wall under the open window.

    Once Jungkook was able to catch his breath and look around, he noticed the woman was nowhere to be seen. The rope he had climbed was tied to one of the rafters, which were covered in paintings as well as all the walls. As he looked around, he took notice of the shadowed figure in one of the corners of the room. It was a woman, 'Meaning it has to be her.'

    The figure spoke, her soft voice floating out of the dark corner, "You alright?"

    He chuckled, "Yes, I'm fine. Um, what's your name? Why are you hiding?"

    "It's E-Emma, and w-well, um, its been awhile s-since I've talked to anyone other then Suga", Emma stuttered. Now that she could properly see the brunette, she was much more nervous then early upon finding out just how handsome he was.

    'Suga?', Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the name, but brushed it off, "My name's Jungkook, you don't have to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you."

    At this Emma slowly inched her way out of the shadows.

    Jungkook's eyes widened and his lips parted, 'She's beautiful.'

    The woman before him wore a long crimson red dress, her black hair was short and fell into her diamond blue eyes.

    But that's when Jungkook observed something about Emma, 'She's tall, but . . . . she's thin. She looks as though she'll break from even the gentlest touch.' Besides this thought, Jungkook smiled at the lady standing before him, "It's nice to meet."

    Emma smiled back at the handsome man near her window, "It's nice to meet you too, Jungkook."

It hit me after a wrote this that Emma sounds a lot like Mother Gothel.
Then I realized, I based Emma's looks on my mother. I didn't realize that my mom kinda looked like Gothel.
It's weird to think about.
Anyway, hope you all enjoy the story so far.

-Grandma Chipmunk

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