Chapter 6: Partying and Forgetting

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"Do you want a drink?" Liam shouts to me over the music.

I've been sitting in the corner nursing every beer I have been given tonight. Which is like nine. I've been here a while. I watched my ex-best friend grind against my ex-boyfriend. Quite a show that was considering she decided to make dead eye contact with me any chance she got. I watched as Valerie stumbles over to me as Maria and Sydney tried to stop her from slurring on and on about how she was going to hook up with some guy. I told Maria to drag this poor girl home. I listened to Harry complain that I'm here. I talked with Donny about where he wants to go to college.It's just been interesting. Also, receiving the glaring looks when I walked through the door with these guys.

I nod. "Make it as strong as possible."

He raises a brow at me but shakes his head and turns to walk away. A few moments later he returns with a drink in a red solo cup. I smell it and it could literally burn my nostrils off. I don't show it though. I simply chug it, letting the liquid slide down my throat with ease. It burns but I don't mind. "You just drank that whole thing in a few seconds."

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and shrug. "yeahso?" I slur pushing myself off of the wall and stumble in my heels.

"You need to go home."

"Nah, I'mgood. Ishouldgotoyourhouse."

"Maybe, peanut." He grabs my hand and begins to pull me through the dancing bodies.

"Wait!" I yell making my head hurt.


"I wanna dance with you first." I pull him closer to me and our chests collide a little.

"Peanut, I don't know..."

"It'll be fine!"

My hips immediately start swaying to the music. The beat thudding through my veins and blood. I can feel it pulsating around me and the energy of the party.

"party rock is in the house tonight"

I dig my hands into my hair and feel my whole backside against Liam's whole front. He places his hands on my hips following the swaying motion I've managed to stay with. I feel his face pressed up against mine. There's a thin layer of stubble he hasn't shaved off. I don't mind though.

"Everybody just has a good time"

I reach my arms behind me and loop them around his neck pulling his head closer to me. I bite my lip as his lips find my neck and he tenderly begins kissing me making sure to leave a trail all the way until the strap of my dress starts. I realize his hands have moved. One is sprawled over the front of my stomach while the other is light grazing my thigh sending shivers through me.

"we gonna make you lose your mind"

He turns me around and his eyes bore into mine. His brown orbs fill my bright baby blue ones completely. I get lost in him, the beat and the distance between us. I can't control myself at this point. His hands drop just under my butt, gripping it slightly. My arms go back around his neck and I smile. Why? Who knows. He looks at me with so much intensity it's making my body flare up.

The song ends and we both stop moving. Neither of us is moving from our positions but we just stop moving. I feel like we're the only two in this room right now with how much energy is coming from the two of us.

"We should uh...we should go." He breathes heavily.

I nod catching my breath and not finding any words to use. I follow him outside and to his car since him and I drove here together. I haul myself into the passenger's seat and fall back. I lean against the door after putting my seatbelt on. As he's driving through the city, bright lights everywhere and pouring into the car. His profile is even intriguing.

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