Chapter 15: Pretty Little Thing

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I open my eyes to a blinding fluorescent light. There's on of those long bulb ones that just hang there and illuminate a whole room only now i wish it was dark again. It's making my head throb more than it already does. I go to move my hands but i'm held back by ropes that keep digging into my skin and giving me rug burns. I try and open my mouth to scream for help only there's tape over my mouth. Oh my fucking god an things get any worse?

After the realization that I'm no longer having the ability to move and regaining my sight back, my eyes settle on something. It's Leo. He's tied to a chair. His little head of curls hangs low ropes tie tightly around him binding him to the chair. His mouth is duck taped. My little Bub.

I strangle through the tight hold I'm in trying so hard to get out. A huge metal door swings open slamming against the wall making me jump and Leo jolt awake.  big burly man comes striding over to me and bends down into my face. The smell of cigarettes and cologne radiate off of him. He had a broad face and shoulders. He looks rd like one of those body guards from action movies or something. His thumb and finger forcefully juts my chin up at him making me look right into that light. He grins at me showing me the glint of a gold tooth in the corner.

"Well, the little princess is awake." he coos and throws my face to the side making my neck hurt.

i start licking my lips quickly while he's turni d around making the tape slide off my mouth and rub the rest off it of with my shoulder.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" i ask in a rather annoyed voice.

He turns back around after taking a good look at Leo. "Hello there, Caprice. Pardon me for not introducing myself. I'm Diego. I was Damien's uncle's best friend. I took over his gang after your mother decided to murder him."

I freeze. My heart is beating so rapidly and loudly that i swear Italy can hear it. I look dead into his cold hearted eyes. "Where's my father?"

"Bring him in here!" he yells to no one in particular.

That is until two guys come in dragging my father in against his will. He looks so tired and beaten. A purple and magenta bruise takes over his left eye while scratches and other injuries coat him like a blanket. My heart wrenches for him.


He looks up from his head hanging low, just like Leo's and his blue eyes full mine. "Reece, why are you here you were supposed to be..." he trails off and his eyes dart to Diego. "Why the hell is she here? Why is my six year old son here?"

As if on cue Leo wakes up. He looks disoriented and confused. He looks at me and I must look disgusting or just scary or something must me wrong because he lets out the most ear piercing scream I have ever heard. Tears start running down his face and he continues to scream.

"Shut up kid, or i'll give you something to cry about." one of the guys holding Dad snaps at Keo and he goes quiet.

"Bubba, shhhh, it's okay." I soothe wanting him to calm down before he's hurt.

He chokes on his tears and forces a nod looking at me. I look back at my Dad who nods his head at me.

"So Damien. Damien, Damien, Damien, when are you going to tell me where Cordons sources were as most prime drug dealer in the country?" Diego asks with a devilish smirk on his face.

"How about never Diego. Let my kids go." Dad demands trying to strangle free.

Diego snaps his fingers and everything from there goes so fast. One guy takes control of Dad while the other walks right up to me and slaps me right across the face with no hesitation. I scream and is identical to Leo's.

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