Chapter 10: NYC to CLE

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A month. That's how long I've been dating my fool of a boyfriend. I have to admit it's been a pretty amazing month. Yes, I've hated Harry most of my life because I thought he teased me and well treated me like nothing because he hated me. Now i know it was because he actually liked me. And I mean, come in, have you seen how gorgeous that boy is?

He takes me to school everyday even though Liam offers. He picks me up, already having my favorite order from the little café in the city, takes me to school and the walks me to class. He's literally a blessing from God himself.

My mom hasn't called. I know why she hasn't, but it hurts. My dad hasn't called either. I had Valerie drive me by my house one night after a party and the house, from what I could see through the huge black metal gate and trees, was pitch black. No one is there. Not even my dad. I have no clue where he is and I'm worried.

Liam has kept his distance from me. Other than offering to take me to school or to cheer practice or to watch Leo, not much interaction with him. Which is strange. Even for him.

Now I'm getting ready for the weekend in Cleveland for our championship football game. I ended up having to kick Mackenzie off the team because she was too busy sucking Hudson's face off during practice. It was a relief for everyone.

I throw my cheer uniform into the back along with my bow and other things i'll need. I pull on a pair of black leggings, a Calvin Klein sports bra, and an off the shoulder shirt with my uggs. It snowing now and it's only November. I really hate New York sometimes.  I find my phone and earbuds which are basically the main essentials for this bus ride and head downstairs. Liam is taking me to school and I'm assigned as "his cheerleader."

Every year at the championship game, the senior players are assigned a senior cheerleader. The cheerleader escorts them onto the field and has their player accompany them during the halftime show. They also are to cheer for them and sit with them on the bus Stupid tradition, I know.

I run i in the kitchen pulling my coat and beanie over my straight hair. "Liam!"

"Yeah, peanut?" he asks clearly exhausted.

"What's wrong with you?" i ask looking at him confused.

"Just tired that's all. Can we go?"

I nod and follow him out to his car. The car ride is quiet and boring and nothing like my car rides with Harry. He sings along to the song on the radio with me or tells me I look beautiful and I roll my eyes at him. It's the little things.

We get to the school and I hop out of the car grabbing my bag and coffee, eager to get out of that awkward situation. I race over to Valerie who looks like she's nursing a hangover from Stephanie Mota's party. I don't do Thursday night parties. It feels like you can never recover from them. Ever. She has her sunglasses on and is slowly sipping a venti coffee while leaning against the bus with Syd.

"Hey lovelies." I say cheerfully joining them whilst taking a sip of coffee.

"You're too cheery for me. It's seven forty-five in the morning and you all bright and bubbly." Valerie groans.

"I'm pumped for some reason, I don't know." I say jumping a little bit in my spot. I'm literally off the rails from this coffee. "So do either do you need a bus buddy? If not I'll just sit with Harry."

"Oh, me girl. Sydney runs her mouth to much and I can't have that and this headache." Valerie says.

"Oh come on. You're being over dramatic. If anything your the one with the nonstop mouth." Sydney disagrees.

Valerie rolls her eyes. "Let's go find a seat."

"Let me go say hi to Harry first. I'll meet you on there." i say.

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