Chapter 22: What Are You Doing Here?

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"Oh, he is going to flip out when he sees you. Maybe not physically, but mentally his mind will be doing cartwheels." Valerie says admiring my completed look.

I wouldn't say cartwheels, but I have to admit this is the best I've ever looked in a while. The dress is... extremely expensive I must admit but extremely beautiful. The top is a sweetheart neckline covered in pristine white lace. It's held up by spaghetti straps. At my wiast there is a rhinestone band and it ruffles out at my waist with pink tool material. I have to say Valerie did a fantastic job with my makeup for the most part. Dramatic and not my typical style but absolutely gorgeous.

I smile at her as she claps her hands. "We're stunning."

"I can agree on that." i tell her nodding my head and laughing.

"We should get going down there. I can hear that ballroom music and i don't want your Godzilla Grandma yelling at me a second time today." She says and I roll my eyes at her comment about my grandma.

I follow her down the stairs as quick as possible in these heels.

I firmly believe people only like my grandparents because they're rich. There's not much more to it than that. As i'm scanning this crowd of rich and stuck up people, much like my grandparents, i find it hard to believe anyone likes them. They're unbeatable people. They're rude to anyone including their family. They think they run the show. They're irritable. But they're rich. They fund things. They get people places. This is why people like them and this is why my theory is correct.

A lady in a long red gown and brown curled hair is standing with a man in a grey tuxedo. Why grey? Who knows. They look younger than most of the people here. They're smiling and chatting with my grandparents so I approach my grandmother with confidence. They look genuinely nice. I drag Valerie with me.

"Caprice! You look gorgeous. You cleaned up beautifully. You also Valerie," she says simply brushing Val off and i take a step back from my

"Trina, Scott, this is my granddaughter, Caprice. Reece, Trina and Scott are the founders for the photo shoot and magazine." she tells me and I nod look at Trina. Still the same warm smile.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Reece. You have a beautiful Italian name. Not to mention beautiful parents." she tells me and smiles again.

"It's lovely to meet you too. This is Valerie my best friend." I introduce Val and they shake hands before Valerie returns to being mute.

"Reece was the model in the pictures you adored so much." My grandmother gloats.

Trina grins at me. Not a fake one like i've seen on a billion faces of my grandmothers friend before. No, it's a real smile.

"Sorry to embarrass you in front of you friend but you looked perfect. It was so effortless and the way you model tells a story. More to the clothes and the story behind picking them out for something specific. It meant something more than just pictures and clothes. I really enjoy them." Trina tells me.

"Oh my, thank you. I usually don't model. Ever actually. That shoot was my first one." i explain to her.

"Really?" she asks in disbelief. "Never would have guessed it in a million years."

"Well thank you."

My eyes snag onto Spence's and it's obvious he's been staring at me for a while since he snaps out of a gaze when I look at him. His cheeks and tips of his ears turn a shade of crimson and he runs a hand through his hair.  He gives me a lopsided grin and I smile looking down.

Valerie nudges me and jerks her head in Spence's direction. I nod and look up at my grandparents, Trina and Scott. "Excuse me, it was so nice meeting you."

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