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March 28th 2015, the morning of Tyler and Jenna's wedding.

Tyler's mother Kelly had just finished helping his son with his tux. She put the white rose onto his tux to finish.

"Now you look like a true husband." She said.

Tyler got up and looked into the mirror.

"Mama?" Do you think I'm ready to marry?" Tyler asked.

"Of course you are dear." Kelly said. "You are at the right age and it's time for you to fall in love. And I'm so proud of you for doing it."

She kissed him on the forehead. Tyler stared upon the mirror. He could see the reflection of his new bride's face. Although it was early, he wanted to be ready to marry.

Later, the Josephs family made their way out of their house towards their limo they are gonna ride to South Farms, where the wedding is taking place. But before they make their way, a car pulled up in front of the house.

A young boy named Brendon Urie came out. When Tyler saw him, he recognized that he is one of the boys who harassed Jenna the day before the wedding.

The family continued down the path, but Brendon stepped in front of them.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked.

"My son has a wedding to get to." Kelly said.

"Oh no." Brendon said. "Tyler ain't gonna ride with you. You guys can take the limo. I'm gonna escort Tyler to the wedding myself."

Kelly looked upon her son's face.

"We'll see you there." She said.

Tyler didn't respond. He just watched his entire family go to limo and he remained by himself.

Tyler and Brendon left the house and headed off to South Farms for Tyler's wedding.

Tyler was quiet during the drive. He refused to say anything to Brendon. But Brendon did want to talk to him.

"So, Tyler Joseph right?" He asked.

"Why ask?" Tyler said. "You always known who I am."

"Yes I know, the ukulele boy. You do have a good voice."

Tyler grinned a little.

"Thanks." He said. "I played ukulele since I was in 6th grade. I can also do piano and a bit of bass guitar."

"Lucky you!" Brendon said. "I wish I can be talented like you."

"Well, what can you do?" Tyler asked.

"I don't know." Brendon said. "How do you feel about marrying Jenna?"

"A bit nervous." Tyler said. "But like what my mother said, I'm at the right age to get married."

"Jenna is the most beautiful woman in all of Hometown." Brendon said. "You shouldn't be nervous."

Tyler turned away and looked out the window.

"Yeah, I shouldn't."

The drive seemed to last for so long. Tyler began to realize that he was no longer in Hometown. He was in the middle of a strange place.

He looked at Brendon.

"Where are we at?" He asked.

"We're going to your wedding." Brendon said.

"Turn this car around right now!" Tyler demanded.

Brendon knew his plan was going to succeed. So he stopped the car.

"I'm sorry Tyler." He said. "But this is why you should of never taken Jenna away from me."

Before Tyler could ask why Brendon could think that, he pushed him out of the car along with his ukulele. Then Brendon shut the door and quickly drove away.

"NO!" Tyler yelled.

Brendon drove so quick that Tyler could not stop him. He ended up tripping and falling onto a puddle which damaged his wedding tux.

Tyler stood up and looked around at where he was. He is no longer in Hometown.

He is in Slowtown.

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