Journey To Canton

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March 28th 2015, later that night, the wedding was supposed to begin that afternoon.

But Tyler had not showed up. Jenna and the entire wedding group waited outside under the roof of the South Farms as the rain poured down.

Jenna was super impatient. She didn't understand why her new husband would be so late. She knew that he went with Brendon, but she wished Tyler would show up.

However, a few minutes later, Brendon's car finally showed up. Jenna ran out into the pouring rain to meet him. She didn't care if her wedding dress got wet.

But when Brendon got out of his car, Tyler didn't come out either. Jenna got into his face.

"Where's he at?" She asked.

Brendon did not answer.

Jenna's face began to turn red.

"WHERE'S HE AT!" She screamed.

Brendon was afraid Jenna and Tyler's family would find out that he took Tyler away and exiled him. So he lied.

"He just, left."

"How could he leave?!" Jenna shouted. "Tyler would never abandon me!"

"I don't know." Brendon said. "He just fled."

Tyler's younger brother Zack came in behind Jenna.

"I don't believe you!"

"Oh, so you're just gonna lie?" Jenna added. "It's obvious you didn't want Tyler to be here!"

Brendon started panicking.

"No that's not true!"

"Then tell me where he is and we'll go look for him tomorrow morning."

Brendon knew Jenna was gonna want to find Tyler. He didn't want to tell her what he was. So he lied again.

"He just vanished to a mysterious place far from here. South of here."

Jenna pulled out her veil which damaged her beautiful hair style for the wedding.

"Tomorrow morning, you and I are gonna go find him." She scolded.

She got into Brendon's face.

"And you will apologize to him for leaving him behind. I know you don't want him here."

"Jenna please." Brendon begged. "I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding."

"Tomorrow morning, we meet at my house." She said.

Zack got all excited.

"Ooh! Can I come too?"

Jenna put her hand on his shoulder.

"Zack, I know how much you care about your brother, but Brendon is our only hope to bring Tyler home. You need to stay here and take care of your family."

Zack nodded.

"I will."

Jenna walked off through the hard pouring rain. She dropped her bouquet to the ground.

People wanted to tell her not to damage her wedding dress, but they knew she was on thin ice because of what happened to Tyler.

The next morning, Brendon met up with Jenna at her house. He saw her putting her bags into the trunk of her car. He got out of his car to meet her.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm putting things into the car." She said. "Because we're gonna be gone for a few days. Do you have any bags?"

"Yeah but, their all in my car." Brendon said. "I thought we were taking my car."

Jenna angrily pulled Brendon by his collar to her face.

"Listen you big mind!" She shouted. "You came to South Farms yesterday without Tyler! So for that, I don't trust you behind my wheel! We are taking my car and I'm driving!"

She shut the trunk to her car.

"Now get your bags! You can put them in the backseat."

After Brendon put all of his belongings away, he and Jenna left hometown and made their way south. But still, Jenna had no idea where her beloved Tyler was.

"Brendon, you said south but you didn't tell me what town."

Brendon started to panic inside. He wanted to lie again, but they were in the middle of the road. He had to say it.


"Canton! That's 50 miles away!" She shouted.

"But that's where Tyler is!" Brendon yelled. "Now tell your gps to get us to Canton."

Jenna was on hot water with Brendon.

After she pulled up where they needed to go, she refused to speak with him during the rest of their trip. All was silent.

All that mattered is that Jenna finds Tyler.

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