Please Don't Take Your Life Away From Me

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Brendon kneeled down next to Tyler, who laid on the floor unconscious. He wasn't moving, or breathing. His eyes were closed.

Brendon made a satisfying grin as he looked.

"Well, looks like it worked." He said.

He pushed up Tyler's head with his hand and leaned close.

"Looks to me I left you breathless."

Brendon was so happy. Then he proceeded to take the small bottle and drink it all with one gulp.

After throwing the bottle down, Brendon started laughing.

"No one can save you now ukulele boy." He said evilly.

However, he realized that he was gonna be discovered.

Jenna's gonna be back soon. I better hide the body.

Before he could pick him up, Jenna had gotten out of the bathroom. She saw that Brendon was there by the stairs.

"Brendon!" She hollered. "What do you think you're doing here?"

Brendon stood up really quickly.

"Oh, I was just-"

Jenna looked down and saw her beloved fiancé lying on the floor senseless.

She was shocked. Her heart felt like it was braking into a thousand pieces. All Brendon saw in her was shock, fear, and sadness. He didn't care.

Jenna ran to Tyler's side and held him in her arms.

"Oh, Tyler." She said. "It's ok Tyler. I'm here, I'm here."

She began to cry each time she said her love's name.

"Tyler." She repeated. "Tyler, Tyler, oh Tyler please, Tyler."

The tears fell uncontrollably. They each came onto Tyler's cheeks. But he never awoken.

Jenna cradled him to her face. She continuously sobbed. Brendon watched and did not show remorse.

Josh was dancing with Debby until he heard the sounds of Jenna's cries.

"Tyler, Tyler please! It's gonna be alright, stay with me my dear Tyler!"

When Josh heard the name Tyler, he suspected that something was wrong.

He rushed quickly to the stair case.

"Josh!" Debby yelled. "Wait up!"

She followed him.

When Josh got to the top of the stairs, he stopped dead in his tracks.

He stood there in shock when he saw Jenna holding Tyler in her arms. He saw why she was crying. He saw how Tyler looked as if he died in Jenna's arms. He wasn't moving nor breathing.

No. Not Tyler. Anyone but Tyler.

Jenna turned to Josh when she heard him. Josh saw how her eyes were blood shot red from the tears she cried. Her lips were shaking. She was still holding Tyler in her arms.

"Josh." She said in between her sobs. "Tyler. I can't carry him."

Josh kneeled down next to Jenna. He reached out and held one of Tyler's hands.

"Tyler?" He whispered. "Tyler, it's me, Josh."

Nothing came through. Tyler remained unconscious.

Debby came up the stairs shortly after Josh did. She saw what was really going on. She did not cry or grieve. She just stood there in shock and devastation.

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