Hello Josh

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Josh was alone again. He spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the guest room bed thinking about Tyler.

He missed him so much. He wanted him to be with him again. To sing him that beautiful song, to hang out with him in the Canton gardens, to be by his side. Tyler meant everything to him. Now he's with his love and is going home to get married.

Debby couldn't stand seeing her boyfriend sad, so she sat by his side to cheer him up.

"Don't be upset forever Joshua." She told him. "Tyler isn't gone. He's just 50 miles away."

"He was my friend." He said.

"I know." Debby said. "You can always go visit him."

Debby pulled out a piece of paper.

"I got this in the mail this morning." She said.

"There's a formal dance tonight at CGC from 7:00pm to 1:30am. I'd like to go."

Josh takes the paper and looks at it.

"This sounds fun." He said. "I would love to take you."

"Really?" Debby said. "But, I don't have anything to wear."

"What about that black dress I bought you?" Josh asked. "You haven't worn it yet."

Debby smiled.

"Yeah that's right."

She kissed Josh quickly on the cheek.

"I better go get ready."

Debby jumped off the bed and ran off to her room to get ready. Josh stayed on the bed for a little while.

He soon realized that Tyler isn't gone forever. He's just in a different town 50 miles away.

"Josh!" Debby shouted from the other room. "Are you gonna help me with this dress?!"

Josh got up.

"I'm coming!"

As he walked out, he stopped and looked back for a second. Then presumed to go into Debby's room to help her with the dress.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Jenna and Tyler had just gotten their outfits for the dance. They did a few touch ups before they leave.

"Jenna, are you sure this doesn't look skimpy?" Tyler asked as Jenna adjusts his tie.

"Of course not." She said. "And honestly, I don't think I've seen anyone with that kind of tie. People might wish they had it."

"I mean, you did pick it out." Tyler said. "And you told me that it was pretty cool."

"It is." Jenna said. "Just like what you said about my dress."

"It is nice." Tyler said.

Jenna hugged Tyler.

"You and I are gonna shine tonight. And I promise you, we'll shine even more when we are married."

She kissed Tyler on the forehead. Then she went over and picked up her wallet.

"Shall we go?"

Tyler nodded.

They walked out of the hotel arm to arm.

Brendon had got back and he saw Tyler with Jenna. All the blood rushed to his heart with he saw him. He was alive. He was right there with the girl he loves.

Once they left the parking lot, Brendon hurried into the room and prepared the toxin.

Once he tied a string around his arm to get a vein, he injected the toxin into his arm. While the chemicals flowed through him, he started to feel drowsy.

Brendon fell backwards onto the bed. However, he got back up once the toxin was in him.

Brendon looked at the antidote and made a facial expression of satisfaction.

Tonight will be the last time Tyler will ever breathe, ever think, ever move, or ever love. Tyler will never marry Jenna. And he will never go home. He is gonna die tonight.

Brendon started laughing evilly. Then he jumped into his car and headed to the CGC.

Once he got there, he saw Tyler and Jenna walk to the dance together.

This is your last day Tyler Joseph. You will never see the light of day again.

Brendon got out of his car and headed inside.

The dance had just started. Music is playing, everyone's dancing, everyone is having a wonderful time. Especially Debby and Josh. Who are in the middle of the crowd dancing with everyone.

Tyler and Jenna had just walked in, while looking onto the dance floor, Tyler saw a yellow haired boy. When he looked closer, he saw his friend Josh.

Josh looked up and saw a young boy standing on top of the stare case, it was Tyler.

He couldn't believe it. His friend that he cared about is standing right in front of him.

When the dance ended, Tyler and Jenna walked down the stairs. Josh and Debby walked through the crowds to meet them.

Tyler and Josh were face to face again. They just couldn't look away from each other.

"Hello Josh."

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