Chapter 1

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"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3 and Ambulance 61, school fire in 16 Logan Square" the dispatcher called, and everyone prepped to go answer the call.

"Fire's reached the structure, spread out on second floor," Chief Boden brought Casey up to speed.

"Herrmann and Mouch, go up the roof and vent it. Otis, you clear the first floor. Mills, Cruz, come with me," Casey shouted to his men above the chaos.

The smoke was so thick they can't see anything. Casey brought out his thermal camera, and scanned the second floor. Nothing.

"Let's keep going up guys, come on," he said to Mills and Cruz, and went ahead of them. He reached the school library.

"CHICAGO FIRE DEPARTMENT, CALL OUT," he said to the room. Casey repeated, and waited for responses. A few people is trapped in the room. Mills and Cruz came from behind him, and quickly helped as many people as they possibly can. Then he scanned the room again, clearing out corner to corner. Then in the corner he heard writhing.

"help..," a barely audible voice called out. It was a woman, almost unconscious on the floor.

Casey kneeled down beside her. "What's your name ?" he shouted to her.

"Luella," she coughed. Her breathing is shallow and difficult. Casey took off his oxygen mask and put it on her.

"Take a deep breath. Now can you get up and walk with me? We're gonna get outta here, ok ?" he asked, but she shook her head. She tried to speak, and took off her mask. Casey leaned in close.

"My hand is stuck under one of the racks. It collapsed when people were panicking and it fell over me," she explained difficultly. Casey nodded, then put the mask back on her.

"Wait," he said to her, then turned to find his team. "MILLS! CRUZ! You gotta help me lift this book shelf!" he said urgently. They delivered, and lifted the weight from Luella's hand. Casey took her hastily in his hands, and ran down the staircase, Mills and Cruz behind him.

Once they got out of the building, it was all cleared by his team and Squad.

"Fire up the water cannons," Chief ordered, and the waterworks began.

Casey took Luella to where Dawson and Shay was standing over a few people. He put her down in one of the boards. "Smoke inhalation, and her hand was stuck underneath a big book shelf, and I don't know how much damage it is," he said to Dawson, who quickly attended her needs.

Luella held on tight to Casey's hand. After Dawson pumped her lungs, she spoke easier. "Thank you so much. What's your name ?" she asked him, her breathing much lighter.

"Casey, and it's my job," he gave her a smile before Dawson took her in the ambulance and drove away.


I see a medic standing beside me, she was blonde and pretty.

"Hey, sweetie. What's your name?" she said.

"Luella. And you?" I asked back.

"I'm Shay. You were lucky, you inhaled some smoke and your right ulna is cracked, not broken fortunately. Your wrist snapped out of its place, but we're getting you to the hospital soon, ok?" she said gently.

I nodded. "Thank you. Thank you so much. And for the fireman who saved me. Which firehouse are you guys from?" I asked.

"The one who saved you was Lieutenant Casey, and we're from 51," she answered. Then we arrived at the hospital.

"Female, cracked ulna and broken wrist, smoke inhalation," Shay explained to the ER doctor.

"Get her to 1,"the doctor said, and they wheeled me away.

"Swing by anytime," Shay shouted to me.

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