Chapter 4

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I scooped the tomato soup I made into a huge Lock N' Lock container. I pulled up my bag across my shoulder, hanging its strap on the trench coat i'm wearing. Inside, I was wearing a plain blue knitted pullover and washed up jeans. I walked to my front door and put on my slingback, tiptoed black heels. I took my car keys from the hanger and walked over to my car. I started the car's engine, waited for it to get warm under the harsh weather.


I pulled in front of Firehouse 51.Typical. Casey starts his shift on a Sunday. I looked around, and he still hasn't arrived yet, apparently. His car was nowhere to be seen.  I brought my soup in, and went inside the firehouse easily, like it's my own house. I walked in and almost bumped into young Peter Mills. I swerved automatically, saving the liquid in my hands.

"Whoa, sorry," Mills raised both his hands.

"Phew! It's fine," I told him. I lifted it higher, the soup heavy in my hands. Peter Mills snatched it from my hands.

"Hey!," I protested, but he was already walking to the kitchen counter. Smiling, I followed behind him.

"Thank you," I said as he put the container and opened it.

"It smells amazing," he said.

"You sound surprised," I said, a bit offended.

"Ha! No, I just didn't think you were the cooking type,"he said.

"Why not?"

"It's just that you're a, beautiful, b you're smart, c you can sing, and you cook. Man," Peter Mills listed. I can feel myself blushing.

"That's just you," I gushed.

He left me to mind my dish and he sat down on the table. I took one of the pots that hung in the wall, and poured the soup into the pot and clicked on the fire in the stove. I was about to wash my soup container when Dawson and Shay walked into the lounge or pantry or common room or whatever this room is.

"Hey, Luella," Shay said. Dawson walked over to me.

"I'll help you wash this," she offered.

"Thanks," I smiled to her and mended my soup. I watched and greeted everyone as the guys arrived one by one. Then Casey arrived, and I felt my body warms up as I see him. An uncontrollable grin spread over my face.

"Hi," he said to me.

"Hi," I replied, with obvious happiness.

He walked over to the counter, and I feel myself excited, like the way I want to jump out of my skin everytime he comes close. When he actually stood beside me, my skin was tingling like crazy. It's like every cell in my body responds to him. to his mere existence. I tore my eyes off him, which was damn near impossible to do, and turned my attention back to my soup.

"What's this ?" he asked.

"It's tomato soup," I tell him.

"Whoa wait, no one said anything to the lady about me and tomatoes ?" a voice protested. Otis.

"No," I said back to him.

"It's fine, Otis. You can't actually see the tomatoes physically, okay ?" Casey mediated.

"What is this ?" I enquired.

"Otis has a thing. He can eat tomatoes, but he can't look at them in the flesh. Like see the shape of it or the actual thing," Casey explained.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "But that doesn't make sense. How can he know he can eat tomatoes if he never looked at them ?" I asked him. Casey rolled his eyes.

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