Chapter 19

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"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Jihoonnnnn, did you know that every added y to a hey is an extra layer of depression? How many y's are you feeling right now? Ninety five?" Soonyoung creaked open the door and peeked his head in the room. Mingyu followed behind him and they cautiously crept in the room. Jihoon was in bed with the covers around him, like a little caterpillar.

"What the fuck do you think?" Jihoon muttered so quietly it sounded like he was just breathing.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it talks," Mingyu whispered in awe, earning a kick from Soonyoung. Jihoon turned his back to his two friends.

"You made it upset," Soonyoung muttered, walking to the other side of the bed to try and talk to the caterpillar.

"Hey, so exactly how many y's?" Soonyoung smiled cheekily, earning a groan from the shorter.

"Fucking nine hundred seventy nine, okay? What the fuck do you think? My boyfriend only kept a huge fucking lie about his family for how many? Nine years. Props to him because he's a damn good liar. I don't even fucking know why I agreed to that stupid press conference. I'm just mad and I don't know what I'm saying anymore," Jihoon burst out, his face as red as his hair.

"I know. I get it. We're all really pissed at Seungcheol, don't think you're the only one. But, I know why you said you would do the conference. It's because you really care and love Seungcheol. If you didn't give a rat's ass for him, you would just let him attend it by himself and have him try to take care of things himself. But, you're not. You agreed to it because you don't want to see the first person you have ever loved that way get ruined. And I know I'm right because I've been with you for your entire life and you have never done this much for someone or looked at someone the way you look at Seungcheol. You love Seungcheol and you told him that yourself. You can't go back now. You care for that idiot and he is a fool head over heels in love with you. He's hot, smart, nice, and every single thing you would want in a partner, so go take care of things before everything gets more messed up," Mingyu lectured the little caterpillar, who was blushing even harder.

"Ditto. Mingyu said it well, but look, dude, you've been a pretty miserable person. Not gonna lie. Seungcheol makes you happy. Sure, he lied about his family, but does that change the fact that he loves and would do anything for you? No," Soonyoung sat down on the bed and started unwrapping Jihoon from his cocoon. Jihoon tried to fight against Soonyoung's unraveling, but finally wriggled out from the blankets.

"I'm not that mad at him, well I'm pretty mad, but, I'm just upset that this is all a mess. The press conference doesn't make things better and I'm already like this close to killing myself," Jihoon groaned, automatically clinging onto Mingyu. The departing sun's last rays appeared through the almost shut curtains. Soonyoung flung the curtains open.

"Bitch, we all upset about this shit fest, okay? You're not special. At least Seungcheol isn't doing some shady shit, alright? So, what we're going to do is carry you downstairs to pretty boy and then we're going to go to dinner, eat cake, preferably get drunk, and then go home with regrets, okay?" Soonyoung pulled on Jihoon's leg.

"Basically, your solution is to get shitfaced," Jihoon deadpanned, finally wriggling out of bed.

"I mean, it's the solution to everything, isn't it?" Soonyoung's eyes widened and he stared at the two.

"Goddammit, you right," Mingyu shrugged and instantly threw a purple striped button up, a black shirt, and black pants at him.

"You're putting this on to look hot. Also, we're going to dye your hair before we go to dinner. There's still another 3 hours. We're going with black, because it's been ages since we saw you with black," Mingyu said as Jihoon shrugged off his oversized clothing.

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