Chapter 1

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Don't you think it is amazing how the world works. People are born everywhere and will grow up with different stories and learning different cultures. We are all unique, with different hobbies, music tastes and sexual preferences. It's beautiful, on a typical day in London, you are amongst thousands of people who have grown up in different ways, witnessed different things, shared different opinions. I like to think that everybody has there own book, a story which I they can change whenever they feel. It begins from the moment they are born, and ends on their last breath.

I'd like to think of myself as somebody who wants to do something in the world, not sit and waste my life. I'm only 16, but I have just finished my GCSEs and starting collage is my next step. I want to be something nobody else has, I want to be my own person the first person to do something, to have my name in books. But for now, I'm stuck in school.


Summer went past in a blink of an eye. With most days ending in me being drunk and sobbing about how I want to be an adult and wanting to do something with my life.

'Wake up!' Somebody shook, making me growl in anger. 'Daniel Howell- don't growl at me, you have collage tomorrow and we need to get you some clothes, remember you don't have a uniform anymore!' She screamed.

My mother was lovely but she did have her moments.

I pulled myself out of bed, screaming inside as the cold air hit. It was feeling a lot more like winter each day.

'Mum!' I moaned, and she walked back in, this time smiling as I had actually moved from my slumber. 'What time are we going, like do I have enough time for a shower?'

'Be quick!' Her face dropped- somebody was on her time of the month.

I continued to the bathroom, locking the door before turning on the shower. After unchanging, I jumped in feeling the warm sprinkles of water crashing against my skin making little pat noises. I looked myself up and down, I got a good tan this summer- the holiday to Jamaica probably helped a lot.

Washing myself head to toe and then getting out, dried myself before walking to my room wrapped in my towel.

I was soon changed and on the way to the shops with my mum, she decided to drive the shopping centre which was about half an hour away- she really wanted me to find clothes.

'So, only four things from Topshop ok? then somewhere else!' She ordered, making me sigh.

'But mum!' I dragged the last m, she knew I only really wear Topshop clothing.

'Don't you dare! Be grateful I am buying you things!' She tried to act serious.

'Things?' I giggled.

She smirked, before continuing around the shop to avoid my looks and laughing. I brought three t-shirts, the first was black with an outline of a dog on it, it was from the intro of Kanye West's - Black Skinhead. Next, a checkered blue and red, normally not my style but I did like this. Finally, a plain grey t-shirt with a cat pocket on one side. I also brought a maroon coloured pullover.

'Where next?' She asked.

'Urban Outfitters!' I cheered, skipping ahead, as I heard my mum let out a quiet moan- as if she was being dragged round the mall by me, well this was her idea!

Soon, we had finished, as a reward we both practically ran to McDonald's and got a meal. Once we finished, we headed back to the car.

'How did that take us five hours!' She laughed, seeing it was already 4PM.

'We shopped till we dropped- at McDonald's!' I joked, making her grin as she drove back to the house.

'Adrian should be home now,' she announced. 'Let him do his homework before you force him to play xbox games so you can beat him!'

'It's not my fault I am better than him!' I groaned, laughing slightly as my mum sent a glare my way. Defiantly her time of the month.

We reached the house. 'Thank you mother!' I spoke in a more typical British accent, before I headed inside.

'Anytime my dear child.' She called back, also putting on a stronger British accent.

'What is with all these accents!' Adrian called, Adrian had already started school again, and had been going for the last few weeks, he had finally started studying for his GCSEs.

Just in case somebody doesn't know: GCSEs are exams you do at the end of year 11 in England and I don't know where else! :D

'Need any help?' I smiled, walking into my brothers room as he sat tapping his finger on the keyboard.

'Yes-.' He began. 'Tell me why the teachers feel it is necessary to bombard us with homework when we have 7 hours of learning five days a week!'

'Well- i'd love to answer that, but I don't think mum would agree with the language i'd be using.' I winked, making Adrian chuckle.

After a few hours, Adrian came down and we went on a few games, playing until dinner. We always seemed to have our dinners at odd times, today it was extremely late, but tomorrow it will probably be around four thirty. My mum is the worst with timings!

Once I finished, me and Adrian played games until he got tired.

'Need me to tuck you in?' I giggled.

'Fuck off!' He laughed.

'Watch your language!' My mum called

I went upstairs also, onto my laptop, seeing a few of my friends online. We had a group chat which people had been talking on all throughout the day.

ME: Hey!


PEEJ: Hey Daniel!

ME: Hello, and shut up Chris!

CHARLIE: How are you feeling about tomorrow? With the new college, bet you wished you started in sixth form!

ME: Alright, but nervous, if i hate it that much ill show up next week and force them to take me back in!

CHRIS: You aren't welcome, you ditched us.

ME: You all still have eachother, still best buddies!

CHRIS: If that's what you think.

LOUISE: Goodluck by the way, and shut up Chris he will always be in our group.

ME: We should have a group name, how about -the people who love Dan-

LOUSE: and Lousie

PEEJ: Or just the best people in the world?

ME: hmm, debatable, but fine!

CHRIS: Okay, agreed.


CHARLIE: Yeh, whatever man!

ME: Okay, I'm going for my sleep now, because fresh start tomorrow!

CHARLIE: Call me as soon as you finish and tell me all about it!

LOUISE: Me first!

CHRIS: Now, lads we all known he'd call me first!

LOUISE: I am a woman!

I laughed, before closing my laptop and running to the bathroom, brushed my teeth then walked back into my room, changing into just my boxers before diving into my duvet.

I was really nervous, but what's the worst that could happen?

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