Chapter 2

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I woke up, my alarm ringing loud, I hit it off and almost ran toward the shower. I haven't felt so awake in a long time.

I stripped naked, before jumping into the shower and having a quick wash, I ran shampoo and conditioner through my hair before washing everything off me finally. 

I raced back into my room in just a towel, turning on the hair dryer and straighteners, rotating between each until my hair looked presentable. I then pulled on some boxers, my black skinny jeans and my new Kanye West themed tee from yesterday.

'I can't be late.' I said to myself, looking at the time, I clutched my phone along with bus pass, money and headphones, shoving them into a bag before racing down the stairs, getting some crisps and a drink into my bag for snacks. 

'Have a great day!' My mum screamed, as I took a slice of toast and raced out the door running to the bus. Before I turned the corner I stopped walking so nobody would see. I got on shyly and walked to a empty seat. Somebody came along and sat next to me, he had headphones in his hair so I just ignored him. pulling my own in.


'Nice run.' The boy muttered, a few minutes later. 

'What?' I spoke, pulling out my headphones.

'Nice run to the bus-.' He laughed, making me blush from ear to ear, as my mouth formed a O shape.

'Don't worry nobody else saw, I just thought it was cute.' He winked, before turning his music off from his phone and taking out the other ear. I did the same.

'What's your name?' I asked, trying to drop the running subject.

'Philip- people call me Phil, you?'

'Daniel- people call me Dan!'

'Ah- so this your first day?'

'Yeh, you?' I mumbled.

'Yeh, secretly hoped you could show me round.' He mumbled.

'Same.' I fake cried, 'We can always be lost together?' I smiled, he nodded and smiled.

'What are you doing at the college then?' He smirked, playing with a button on his shirt before glancing up.

'Uh- Art, Drama and English Language, yourself?'

'Art so might see you in there! Along with History and Sociology,' Phil replied, pushing his hair back as it fell in front of his face.

'Woah, I just feel pointless now!' I chuckled quietly.

'No, I am jealous of you're subjects, my mum forced me to do these I can guarantee you I won't remember anything!'

We arrived at the college and walked out together, everybody who was new got told to go into the hall, so Phil and I did so, and sat next to each other near the back.

'Hey- shall we exchange numbers? Just because you seem really nice and we could totally be friends?' 

'Ugh, fine.' I joked, handing my phone and Phil smirked, we both added our numbers, putting inappropriate amounts of emoji's next to our names. 

We got split into our forms, sadly I wasn't with Phil, which truely sucked.

I met a few more people but nobody really seemed as fun as Phil.

We all got given our timetables.

It was Wednesday today- double English, then double Art! then a free period; I secretly hope I was with Phil in Art, something about him... I don't know what but he seemed so special.

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