Chapter 6

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I want to make it clear now, that I don't know much about coma's and if any of these are real,  triggers. Sorry for the sadness, this was so hard to write.

I woke up to my alarm ringing violently beside me. In the middle of the night Adrian came in to join me, then my mum so we where all laying next to each other moaning at the horrible noise which the clock was producing.

I hit it carefully before stretching.

'I don't want to do it- I can't.' I whispered, Adrian was having the day off because my mum wanted to keep him home for an extra day as he is a year younger and doesn't understand as well. I disagree as I feel as shit as him about my dad possibility being pertinently gone. The worst thing is that he hasn't been home in half a year, so it almost as if it feels like he's been dead a while.

'I love you sweetie.' My mum whispered about to stand up.

'Its fine I'll make you some breakfast before I go.' I smiled, rushing out the room and down the stairs, I set up the toaster and boiled the kettle, I got the cereal out and poured some in a bowl and added milk for my mum, whilst making some jam on toast for Adrian and running up with them. I the ran back down, made a hot chocolate and coffee before returning and handing them the drinks.

'Thank you dear!' My mum smiled.

'Yes, thank you dear!' Adrian smiled weakly.

I then decided to get ready in the bathroom.

I pulled on all dark clothes, black jeans, black top and a black jacket. I grabbed my phone and keys before walking towards the door.

'I love you!' Adrian called.

'I love you!' My mum also shouted.

'And I love you both more!' I screamed, before walking out the door and plugging in my headphones.

I turned up the music, drowning out the real world as I headed towards the bus station.


I sat on the bus, staring out the window. The sky looked miserable, drizzling rain as if the mood was reflecting me. I felt a body knock against me before moving away. I glanced up to see Phil smiling. I pulled out my headphones before be started to talk.

'Been ill?' He muttered.

'Uh- kinda.' I groaned, not really wanting to talk. I put my headphone in, making sure Phil saw before turning back to the window, watching as the world past by.

It's crazy how fragile our lives are. The fact that yesterday morning my dad was running around alive and healthy, ready to see us later on that day was heart breaking.

When the bus came to a stop, me and Phil stood up at the same time, we walked off the bus and he gave me a weak smile. I pulled out my headphones and wrapped them round my phone, placing them in my pocket before clanging back up at his smiling face.

'My dad might be dead.' I spoke almost impossible to hear, as my voice cracked, I could feel tears forming but pushed them away.

'Dan- I.' Phil began, but paused, instead he leaned in, hugging me tight and I started to cry properly, into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. He pushed me behind a building so nobody could see us as I continued to cry. He started whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I felt him kiss my forehead as he pulled away.

'What happened?'

'He was- he was finishing off his last hour of work when he got hurt, bad. Sent to hospital and put into a coma, the hospital said to expect for the worst, and it has been since Sunday and we still haven't heard anything. It is like they are killing us slowly by making us wait!'

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