Chapter 11

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'Dan please wake up oh god please.' I heard somebody scream beside me. I opened my eyes to see Phil crying into my chest.

'Dan!' He smiled. He moved to cup my cheek, then kissed my forehead slowly, he had lifted me against a wall so I could see my body, my arms had been bandaged up and the bin was full with tissues covered in blood.

'Are you ok?' He whispered.

'No.' I mumbled.

'Your dad?'

I nodded in response and he sighed. 'It will be tough, but I know you are also a tough person, I love you so much, and I am here for you forever and ever and you are stuck with me because I never plan on leaving you.'

'I love you.' I mumbled. Forcing myself to smile.

'Come on let's get you into the lounge.' Phil helped me stand and we walked slowly to the stairs and down, I felt really light headed but it was probably due to the blood loss and hopefully will go.

(One week later)

My mum is coming home tomorrow, she stayed longer as she had to organise getting everything- and everyone home.

Phil stayed with me and has comforted me.

'I don't want to leave tomorrow.' I whispered, it was around midday and we both where laying in bed.

'I wish I could stay.' He mumbled, kissing my cheek. 'I will miss you so much, who can I cuddle!'

'I love you and I know it's just three words, but one day I will show you. I love you and I only want you.' I whispered.

'I love you more, though.' He giggled, straddling me. He began to peck at my lips making me giggle.

'Nah, I love you more.'

'Don't make me slap you.'

'Bitch, I'd love to see you try!'

'You know I could never hurt you.' He mumbled before properly kissing me. I opened my mouth to allow his tongue. His hands fell to my bare back and he scratched and dug his nails into me as I messed up his hair.

I felt myself go slightly hard, but I wasn't the only one.

His hands moved to my boxers, and he rubbed his hand against my member through the material making me moan out in pleasure. Before realising how loud I was and probably glowing red. He moved down to my neck. He began nibbling at it to create a hickey, he sucked and it hurt like hell, but it felt so good.

'I love you so much.' Phil moaned.

He moved back down, but to my boxers again, he played with the elastic before starting to bring it down.

'Wait- are you sure?' He whispered, moving back up and pecking my lips twice.

'Never been more sure.' I mumbled.

The door bell rang making Phil practically fall off me.

'Every fucking time!' I screamed, pulling on some shorts and a top from the side and running to get it as I heard Phil laugh.

'One day.' He mumbled, slapping my butt before I opened the door to see Adrian.

'Oh hey little brother!' I smiled, and he ran to give me a hug.

'Grandpa dropped me home a day early, oh Dan.' He cried, into my top. I comforted him. Still slightly flustered from what just happened. Or what could have been, but talk about a mood changer in seconds.

Phil helped me to try forget what was happening, but seeing Adrian reminded me all over again.


That night I lay in bed with Phil.

'Will you be back in college straight away?'

'I dunno- I'd prefer to be at home, but I want you with me.' I said,

'I can come everyday after college, or you can come sleep at mine. I'd love you to sleep at my house one night. After me being at yours for so long. How about Saturday to Sunday?'

'Yes.' I smiled.

'Great- it's a date.'

'Yeh I'll even take you out!'

'Best be McDonald's, Lester!' I winked.

'Id never turn Burger King on you!' He giggled.


(Skip to Friday)

My mum came back two days ago. We haven't really done much, nobody had gone out the house. My mum was happy for me going to Phil's on Saturday, to get out the house as I hadn't really since the cinema or to get food from the corner shop.

I lay in bed, but I heard a moan. I ran down to Adrian's room, and heard him kind of crying.

'Hey. You ok?' I whispered. Walking in, he mumbled a yes, but I walked to his bed.

'Want me to stay?'

'Yes, please.'

I climbed in, and wrapped my arms around him. He relaxed into my arms, and snuggled into me more.

'I love you so much, you are the best brother in the world.' He whispered.

'I love you too, now sleep ok!' I smirked, kissing his forehead.

'Ew Daniel germs!' He groaned.

I kissed his forehead two more times making him make a sick noise.

'Shush you'll wake up mum!'

'Sorry, night!'



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