Making Decisions

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Hey hey hey!

Sorry it's so late! My attention span is very short.

Wow, I'm writing this late at night, because for some reason I write better at night?! If I try and write a new chapter during the day my brain just shuts down, like its saying "Nope! Not going to happen! I'm going to deprive you of your sleep instead of formulating words for you! Lol!". My mind is basically a utter dickhead during the day. I think I'm nocturnal now.

Grrrr, brain!

I'm also listening to Capital FM (English radio station which only plays modern music), and I get so angry when I hear the new 'improved' version of All of Me by John Legend. Someone decided it was a good idea to take this guys utterly beautiful song (which he sang at his wedding), put all rappy beats and blippy things over it, then give it to him for his birthday! It now goes; beautiful piano, beautiful voice, beautiful piano, DROP THE BASE. And they keep playing it! >:(

Grr, modern music!

Back to the story, 17 votes! Thank you so much guys, you are all amazing! Almost 150 reads too!

Okay, rambling over! Here is the next chapter! In Fenris' view, kind of!

Enjoy! :)

Hawke didn't leave his room for hours. As soon as Bethany had disappeared into the mist, never to be seen again, he had locked himself in his room without a mere glance to acknowledge his companions. Not even Fenris.

With no sign of leaving his room anytime soon, they had all silently dispersed, although Isabella, Anders and Fenris had decided to stay. An awkward silence settled on the house, the only sounds to be heard were the occasional shuffle of feet and the soft sobs coming from Hawke's room. Orana eventually joined them in the study too, preoccupying herself by tidying the already tidy shelves. Anders stared blankly out of the window as the sun steadily rose behind the thick clouds. Isabella skimmed through the many dirty books she had sneakily planted in between the countless tomes and manifestos.

Fenris just paced anxiously back and forth, wearing a faint trail into the floorboards. He desperately wanted to go and comfort Hawke, yet he couldn't bring himself to walk out and open his door. He knew what he'd find in that room would be so much worse than when his mother had died. Hawke had told him that their bond had been severed once she started blaming him for Carvers death (Yes, I switched them around, calm your pants. If you don't know what I'm going on about, don't worry!). When she had found out that he was courting Fenris, she was furious. Not for being gay, no, because he had made her look like a fool in front of all his suitors. Weeks of meeting every single snobbish, self-absorbed, spoilt young lady in Kirkwall, all to waste. Hawke wasn't really bothered about Leandra being angry at him, but he was absolutely livid when she started laying blame at Fenris' feet too. She refused to let him stay at the mansion, making any and every excuse to force him out. Hawke simply left and stayed at Fenris' mansion for the time being, until his Mother finally gave in. But Hawke explained that her grudge has never lessened, right up to the point where she was lying limply in his arms, where she managed to squeeze out a few kind words.

Bethany was an entirely different story. Ever since they were children, Hawke stuck together like they were the twins, sometimes all but excluding Carver. They never meant to leave him out, but Carver was bitterly jealous of their relationship, and preferred to stay with his other friends. So Bethany and Hawke did everything together, their bond becoming stronger with every moment they were with each other. Their friendship was incomparable, and now shattered.

But Fenris knew Hawke wouldn't come out of his room for days if he didn't go and comfort him. Hawke needed to know that he wasn't alone, and Fenris was about the only person he wouldn't bite the head off of if they walked in right now. But he wasn't sure if he just wanted some time alone to come to grasp with his sister's loss?

He would have to make a decision.


Go upstairs and talk to Hawke - Turn To Chapter 8

Stay downstairs - Turn to Chapter 9

The next chapters will be posted soon! In the meantime, tell me what you are choosing!

~SugarHW oxoxox

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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I Think I Want To Marry You!- A short Dragon Age II F!Hawke/Fenris fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now