Chapter 8

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 The next five days were very hectic. In between balancing school, and training dragons, every day I had to stay at the library for 45 minutes to teach Draconic to Sonia and Laurence. Every day I took spell classes and made notes in my notebook. I also made a copy of my homework assignments and pasted that on to my notebook.

We left Sonia alone, so that she can make more potions and balms and invent things that will help us. When we had 3 days left, Sonia brought us the things she had made. She made me a machine that decoded 300 languages including Draconic, Latin and Ancient Greek. It was a thick charcoal and silver rod. It had a mulberry colored light at a end and plenty of mulberry colored buttons. It had a small screen where you could tell what was translated and the version in english. It reminded me of Google translate. She also made each of us a few oxygen bubbles that would each last 5 months and a necklace with small vials that have numerous potions, like a pain reliever and a one for loss of oxygen.

Training a dragon is so hard. Forget about doing it in five days. There are so many things to teach a dragon for it to be tame. Thankfully Bristle Cape understood the rush and cooperated well. She was very gentle, nice and shy, which made it easier to train her. In 1 day she learned how to fly and trusted me well enough to fly. I was surprised she learned so fast. In 2 days, she was able to learn Draconic, English, French and Spanish. In 3 days, she learned how to hold her breath, wait patiently, and how to swim. Laurence said that his dragon, Blaze already knew these thing, but could go over them.

I taught them how to swim. Sonia said the Monarchy wanted everyone to stay on Mystic, So travel to other Islands is strictly forbidden. The few people who were aloud to travel to other Islands, were not aloud to talk about it whatsoever. Because of this, no one learned to swim. Like Bristlecone, they all learned quickly, which is good.

 A/N Wow I wrote this chapter in a rush! Please excuse my grammar, I didn't want to edit this from my old account. I promise I write so much better.

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