Prologue - Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]

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[Harry Styles]

"hurmm..for all the right reason, i'm gooingg to sayyy,.... No..i dont think youre ready yet.." x factor judge louis walsh sighed out echoed with a massive boo from the crowd..Simon Cowel makes the booing louder by saying they didnt 'booed' louis loud enough and i pouted and pushed a littled boo from my lips to the microphone as heart was pounding real hard and i really dont think i'll make it but i kept a straight face and smile it through..

oh my god..why does it seem like a slow motion heart is racing..palms sweating.. keep smiling harry..people are watching..

"I like you Harry so im gonna say yes" nicole blurted out but i catched every single word she said and grinned a thank you to the mic..oh now its up to Simon..good ol Simon Cowel...

"and you'll be happy to hear im going to be agreeing with nicole..youre through to next round" my heart explodes but i manage to say thank you in between my smiles leaving the stage with thousands of cheering audience just after simon's approval of my audition..

i got back stage, hugged my mum and basically just jumping around..they pushed me to a few interviews. the producers came by and ask a few questions to my families and myself, then hands me an official x factor letter, patting my shoulder saying get ready for bootcamp lad!

looked at my mum and kissed her..whispering in her ears"im gonna do this..i'll make you proud"

[Louis Tomlinson]

i flck my hair again..gosh i must be really nervous..i stared at my Toms..tapped my hands on my lap and if the floor have eyes, it'll say im a pervert staring down since i was told i was through for the stage auditions.. i can sing..but not as good.. i heard others sing. i dont even think im going to make it to the audition in front of the three judges. i just like the feeling of being on stage..performing to be more precise..i guess it started when got the aprt as Danny Zuko in a school play..i dont even know i had it in just makes happy..

"Louis Tomlinson, youre up!" the girl with the flipchart shouts. i stood up and ran through the alleys directed to the backstage.

"you okay mate?' asked one of the guys backstage as i was breathing so hard!..from the run of course! and the nerves...

" TOOTAALLLYY  fine!!!" them my biggest grin and i winked and a thumbs up and a flick to my hair and chuckle and tugged to my cardigan..damn im totally nervous I cant control myself. can i just run now and forget about this?

"Off you go" the guy pushed me towards the stage and i just kept smiling. as the crowd seems to welcome me, my smile is getting more sincere and almost touching my ears.. i guess i love being on stage so much huh..

stared at the judges..saw them smiling.. as big as me! i squeeled inside my head as i saw Nicole sherzinger. shes HOT!..

and im sure my smile was infectious..i kinda felt as if the whole stadium was smiling back at me.. and i havent started singing yet..owh im so full of my self.. get yourself together you twat! i kinda walked loosely to the stage..cause my legs were actually shaking..and kept shaking as i sang "hey there Delilah"..trying not to fall..and lost the words..

as i sighed after the music ended, i took a glimpes around the audience..theyre still smiling.. thats good right?

i smiled ..paced a bit on vision kinda blurred and heard nothing but the jugdes mumbled something about my auditions.. i dont even get what theyre saying as there was so many thoughts are on my head at the moment..

then i heard, " Louis," i shot my head up to Louis..haha..louis to louis.."im saying yes" but the way i heard it was "imsayingyeah" damn did i just got my first yes??????

i stared at Nicole..with a smile and i twist my fingers..flirting like girl towards another hot girl..owh im such a dousche..

'Im saying yes' wowww..nicole said yes to me..TO ME!

"thank you very much" i said as i looked away scratching my head. owh im trying not to blush here! not infront of nicole!

i was still blushing from what nicole just said as i heard Simon says"you've got THREE yesses!"

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" i squeaked and walked towards the backstage sideways cause i dont to stop staring at the judges and i just wanna go there an hug them.. and the crowd!owh they were just shouting!!! im so happy right now!!!

Grabbed Hannah and walked out of the halls when one guy, the producer of the show i guess, hands me a letter and said "youre going to bootcamp lad. see ya"

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now