CHAPTER 6 [PART 2] - Unspoken bond

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I can’t sleep. I’ve been tossing and turning around my bed for quite a while now. I guess I’m going to go get Louis. Talk for a bit and maybe tried to get some sleep. With him? Erm, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Louis will just probably freak out. Come on now, just go to sleep Harry.

*sigh.. Damn it Harry.

I walked out of my room. Heard the TVs’ on. Did someone just forget to turn it off? I went to the lounge, peeked around the corner and saw Louis staring blankly at the screen.

“What are you doing? I thought you’re asleep?”

“Was asleep. Can’t seem to do that now” He turned his face around with a slightly shocked look to see me leaning against the door.” What are you doing up?”

“Been staring at the ceiling since I got on my bed and yet I can’t seem to put my eyes out as well” I said while walking lazily towards Louis.” Mind if join you?” as I plunge myself down to the couch next to Louis. ”what are you watching?”

“I really have no idea actually. “He said letting out a small chuckle. “Just kind of sitting here thinking about stuff”

“What stuff?”

“Nothing in particular” tapping his mug of milk in his hands then sliding his other free hand across my shoulder and held his mug up towards me “want some?”

“Nah, it’s okay, I’ll just go get one myself” I was about to stand and go to the kitchen for my milk when just grab hold of my shoulder pulling me back down.

“I don’t mind sharing.” And he winked.

I giggled and grab his mug, took a sip and was about to pass it over to him when he just pointed his mouth to the coffee table signaling just to leave the mug there. I shrug, took another sip and move slightly forward to place the mug down.

“Is it weird if I ask you to stay for while with me here Harry?” he looked at me, and still having his arm around my shoulder.

“You don’t have to ask” I said. Smiling and giggling a little bit. “but you are such a baby” I playfully punch him in the cheek then casually pinch them.

“No I’m not; your baby fat is just so comfortable to cuddle.” Turning towards me and just landed his head on my shoulder.

I laugh but quickly put my hands over my mouth. I don’t want to wake the other lads now.

Out of nowhere I kissed his hair, stroked it and nuzzled on his head “you smell nice”

“What are doing?” giggling but still didn’t move and just let his head there on my shoulder. “Are you flirting now?

I snapped quickly out of it. What the hell have I done and why did I do that?! What are you thinking Harry?

I pulled away from Louis making him slipped off my shoulder and he’s laughing now trying to sit back up. “Sorry, I don’t know. I guess I’m sleepy after all.” What kind of excuse was that?

He pulled me back towards him and got back resting his head on my shoulder. “It’s okay Harry. It felt nice. hurmph, I feel like I can fall back to sleep on your shoulder hear Harry.” He said slightly slurring his words. I guess he’s yawning.

“I don’t mind. I hope I can be a good company.” It’s comfortable like this. I can’t explain it but I like how it feels having Louis body towards me. And I found myself slowly drifting to sleep.


I woke up with a wonderful smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. Somebody is cooking breakfast. I stretched my body and got up making my way to the kitchen.

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now