CHAPTER 4 [PART 2]-Its you, me...and them

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We were all panting, breathing hard and gasping for air as the five of us laid on our back, still backstage. The stage manager came to us, frowning " You guys okay lads?"

"Yeah we're good" Liams' the first to stood up brushed the dirt from his pant and hands out a hand over to Niall and Zayn. Harry and me just stared at each other giggling while we help ourselves back up.

"ow I gotta call me mum" Niall chuckles and plucked out his phone from his pocket and starts dialling. As if Niall has triggered something, The rest of us took out our phone and dialled for home.

"Owh My GawD! You are going to be in a Boyband?!!" Lottie seems to be excited at the news. "I cant wait to tell my friends about this."

"You need to learn how to dance Lou! " I heard fizzie shouts in the background followed by giggles from Lottie and the rest of the house hold. I guess Lottiie put me on speaker phone there.

"dont you dare make fun of me!" I shouted 'cause I know they can hear me now.

"We are proud of you dear" My mums voiced echoed along side the giggles and chuckles of my sisters.

"we are all proud of you Lou!!" The girls said in unison. I guess my mum must have forced them to say that. *But im sure they meant it.

"When are you coming back home then?" Lottie asked.

"Im not sure yet, love. We have to figure out a few stuffs and figure out how to get together as a band now." *sigh,,..I missed them. But on the serious side we have to figure how to put ourself into a band. I like those guys, but we really do barely know each other.

"You OK Lou?"

"yeah I'm Fine. Hey, I gotta go now. Need to call Hannah for a while before i get back to the guys" I replied my dear sister. " call you guys again later yeah?"

"Owh about Hanna-... erm..,Owh Okay Lou..You call her yeah. Love you..Make sure you call us!! Send my love to the other boys yeah? Are they cute? ehehe..Bye Lou!"  I chuckled and heard the voices in the background saying they love me and and asking me to take care of myself.

I sigh and dialled for Hannah. As the dialling tone stopped, " What?!"

"Hannah!!" I was quite taken back by the sudden 'what?!' from the other end of the line. But brushed it off and trying to sound happy for my girl. " You Okay, love?!'

"why'd you ask?" awkward silence

"Erm, 'cause I missed you?" whats wrong here. My voice sounded a little concern now.

"Missed me? after a whole fucking week? no texts. No calls.But you have time to text Stan? instead of texting or calling me?" Owh, I did texted Stan. Just telling him that I was planning to pull out of the competition, That I was terrified and Im just wasting my time here. 

"I just dont want you to worry about me, love. You dont have to shout." I kinda whispered towards the end. Im never used to people shouting or yelling at me.

Another awkward silence.

"Hey, I made it through. I was put in a band. Sort of a boyband actually." I force a chuckle. Trying to lightens the air between us.

"You made it? Well thats news" Now I heard her chuckle. Not a 'Im happy for you' chuckle. More like a 'You must be kidding me'

"whats thats suppose to mean?!' slightly rising my voice now.

"Nothing. Just forget about it." I sense a pinch of regret in her voice " Okay Lou, gotta go. Catch up with you later if you still care."

"Wait ;-" she hung up. "I love you" was i about to say when she hung up. and it still came out but only as a whisper. Followed by a deep sigh.

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now