CHAPTER 3-Eye to Eye..Smile and shivers

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Waiting is killing me. Let alone waiting for the judges to mention my name just to tell me i made it to the Judges house. Hoping, waiting, praying that theyre going to say my name is a complete torture. I glanced around the stage. Saw Louis with his odd coloured beanie. With his hands on the shoulders of the two guys besides him. Smiling. Why cant I be as calm as Louis. I saw him whispers to the guy next to him. They chuckled but the other guys seems to chuckle nervously. I guess Louis was just trying to calm him down. Everybody is so tensed now. I wish Louis could stand beside me. Calming me down.

'Now what is it with this stranger that keeps me distracted. I was pretty sure i was annoyed by his grin earlier. The cocky grin. Maybe because I saw the lost hope in his eyes in the mens room a while ago.the sadness..But how is it that he is smiling now. I envy that about him.. Snap out of it Harry! focus on the judges now you twat'

My hands are sweaty again. I let out a heavy sigh as Simon breaths out "The Final contestant........ whos' made it through is..... Tom Richards" My face went blank. Blood stops rushing. I stared forward...with no expression on my face.

"Thats it guys" purred Simon and it hits me..I was walking down the stairs of the stage towards the backstage when it hits me. I broke down.

I promised my mum I'll make it..I promised her I'll make her proud..I just cant believe this..


God this two guys beside me so tense. I whispered to the guy on the left "Chill mate, youre on Telly. Wouldnt want your girl to catch you in this not so sexy moments here" sending giggles to both of us. But his laugh still sounded weird. The nerves still got the best of him. Got the best all of them I suppose.   'why would I worry. I dont have to be nervous at all. I know Im not gonna make it through. So just smile all the way through this 'you made it or you dont' session. Keeping myself happy. But I just hope my name, .... nahhh...dont dream about it Lou.'

"Thats it guys" was all I heard as all the dissapoitment and silent cries rises up on stage. Keeping the grin I wear and patted a few shoulders and backs along the way, I make my way off the stage in a faster than usual pace. I do feel sad. though i see it coming but deep in my heart I really want this.

I really relly REALLY want this....

I walked pass by the Irish blond. whats his name? ah Niall..running away from the camera. Pulling his brown shirt to wipe his tears. And cover his face from the camera, I think. Grab my bag and saw Harry on the other side. Wiping his tears with his blue beanie. I felt my tears built up. I have the urge to hug him so that we can comfort each other. Why do I want to do that? I can hug anybody. No, I wont let people see me broken. It makes me look weak. I have no need to be dissapointed about anyway. Its not like I can sing as well as them. They have every right to stressed out. hurmph... turned to look at Harry one last time. shivers runs through my spine. I brush the feelings off. This competition is making me mental. Its just theres something about Curly

I walk to the exit loosely, chuckling along the way as i was making up jokes in my head on telling Lottie that I didnt make it through. The twins will just love having me back but Lottie and Fizzie will surely have good laugh at me. Mum would just probably hug me.

"Hey Louuweee, waiitttddddduuppp" Turned my head towards the voice and saw the Blond Irish trying to catch up with me. Harry is walking beside him. But he just stares blankly at the stairs with a suitcase in his hands. Niall just, how should say, joyful? Skipping and jumping and landed right next to me with a suitcase and a guitar case slung on his shoulder.

"We're the cast off now are we?" sounded kind of amused.I let out a puzzled face but still chuckle at his, cheekiness. Aint this boy was just crying seconds ago. I like him.

"Guess needs better luck next year ey" he kept going after getting no reply from me.

"Guess so mate. But I dont think I-"

"Guys! Hold up, the judges wants the boys and the girls group to saty for a while. A second interview seems like it." shrugs a guy who I take as one of the show's producers cutting me off from my reply to Niall. I saw Harry turned to that guy almost imediately, then turned back at us, grab Niall hands and rush back inside the building. I cant be that invisible cant I?


"Guys! Hold up, the judges wants the boys and the girls group to saty for a while. A second interview seems like it." I turned my head towards the source that pulled me out of my thought. Registering what he said into my head. Turns and look into Niall and rushed him back inside. Hold it, did I just saw Louis standing out there with us?ergh what is it with me. Now my mind is playing tricks. I must have gone mental with this all competition and his tickles. Damn Harry! Stop it.

We stood there for a good half an hour, wondering what interview did the producers meant as he stopped us from our way back then. when a guy suddenly comes out, flips his chart and calls out,

"Zaine Malik"

"Liam Payne"

"Harry Styles" what? thats me right?  what should I do? owh, I saw the two guys standing next to the guy who called out our names and quickly rushed towards him. Standing next to this ghetto looking guy with matte dark hair, as I heard Niall Horan name being called upon and guess who, Louis name too. Both of them were biting their nails as the walked towards us.

Im sure I felt my smile suddenly pops out when I heard Louis name and that he will join us here to whatever that is going to happen next. Eventhough we dont have a clue on whats going to happen.

Lois saw me stare. And winked at me.

HE WINKED AT ME! the sound of the voice calling out the girls name seems blurry. I stood there dumbstruck just because of a wink from a guy. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HARRY!


Oh my god! I just winked at him and he stood there like a doll. We basically had to shake him to just to get him to snap out of it and get on stage! But ist kinda cute in a way. Cute but weird. And why the hell did I even wink at him? Oh yeah, the smile..

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now