CHAPTER 4 [PART 1] -The Bond..Between Us

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"Follow me this way" I heard someone said but I just lay still. Cant seem to move. What the hell was that wink for? Just a friendly gesture I suppose 'cause I've been staring..Its not that I not like it. its just that i find it, amusing. Not even awkward.But why am I taking mentally. I mean seriously Harry? Youre mesmerized by Louis's wink. Louis. I like the sound of that name..

"HARRYYY!! CURLY!!!" I snap out and almost stumble forward but a pair of hands holds me steadily by my shoulder. Saw Louis face grinning towards me. "You okay there mate? we need to get on stage now!" Louis mumbles but I can see other boys just stared at me. I even got an amused look from a guy with a birthmark on his neck. Why am I staring at all this awkward things here!! They all must think Im a freak now!!!!!

I pulled away and make my way to the stage. The other guys just followed closely behind. The blond Irish grabbed hold of my shoulder, then that I realise that they were already walking with each other arms on each other shoulders. Of course I glance towards Louis. He just got this smile on his face. It was pretty contagious as I find myself smiling as well while walking towards the stage facing the judges with the blond's arm around my shoulder.

"Hello" said Nicole followed by an almost unison "hi" from each and everyone of us. I swear I heard Louis's "Hi" was slightly over pitch and almost sounded like a squeel. I chuckled. I guess he fancies Nicole. who doesnt? shes hot! like H.O.T. hot!!


What is actually happening here? why were we put on stage again now. Maybe theyre making a second decision. Maybe they've make some changes in the contestant. Maybe they want to hire us as back up singers!?

I cant stop smiling as I make my way to the stage. I just hold each and everyone of the guys trying to make them less nervous. Did you see the look on theyre face?? Its like every single blood was drained from their faces. But Harry seems to be smiling. I guess hes' a very confident lad.

Owh, and Im smiling because just the thought of standing here with Harry, erm, I mean among the guys, kinda makes me happy. I just dont care what the judges are going to say as long as I can see Harry. The way he smiles, Tossed his hair down. It felt good cause it actually hurts me seeing him cry and all teary earlier. Ok thats sounds weird Louis. No! I mean Im happy because among these guys, a actually knew Harry. He's Curly from the loo for gods sake. We actually have met and spoken to each other. Thats why Im happy and smiling. At least I have somene who I have already broken the Ice with to what ever the judges are going to put us into. Yeah, I guess thats why Im so happy and all smiley. No other reasons.. are they??

Then Nicole started talking, about how we were too good to let go off.. I just blushed. Owh I hope she noticed me. Shes just hot. I sounded like an idiot when she said Hello. I felt she was just looking at me and I almost Squeked a Hi back. I hope the other lads didnt notice. But I secretly hope Nicole noticed me. Ergh, get out of it Louis. *sigh

And making us into two separate groups. I gasps. Seriously? then Simon blurted in one single breath " we have decided to put you both through the judges house."

I was Literally elevated from the stage floor!


I was taken back by Louis who suddenly jumped, practically three feet from the ground and a high squeeling screams from the group of girls next to us! what happened? Then I recalled the words that came out from Simon, " we have decided to put you both through the judges house."

My legs just went numb. I squatted and cup my face in disbelief mixed with joy and excitement. I looked towards the boy and just head myself towards this sparkling and familiar blue eyes *Only Louis came to my vision. others seems rather blurry: and melt into his arms and found myself joined by three other lads. 

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now