CHAPTER 5 [PART 1] -Four chairs Five Lads

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First night at the Bungalow

     Harry is lighting up the fire pit. Bending forwards making small blows untill the fire lights up higher. Hes' not sure how this week is going to be but it has been so good so far. And its only just the first day anyway. Harry thought having a night outside the house with pit fire or a sort of a campfire will be nice.

  The rest of the boys are still inside. Liams is still unpacking while Zayn and Niall seems to be exploring the bungalow. The last time Harry saw Louis was when he was helping Liam unpacks so he just left those two guys and start preparing their place outside and lighting up the fire pit.

  Niall came out with a guitar slung over his shoulder. " that looks good! You have marshmellows?'

"I guess its in the second drawer from the left there in the kitchen. Help yourself to it yeah" Harry ponted the kitchen to Niall. Pointing it with his mouth as his hands were full of blankets that he was about to pile up outside around the fire pit. Niall skipped and jumped his way there. Harry just chuckle and found himself amused by the blond Irish guy.

He arranged the plush chairs just nice so that they can heat themselves up while hanging outside later that night.


"Damn, theres only four. Im not gonna drag the sofa out here" scratching my head.I guess somebody just gonna be laying on the ground. maybe we all be laying on the ground. I chuckled at my own thoughts. it was better that way Isnt it. But Im not gonna put this chairs back in. *sigh

"Need any help Curly?' I like the way Louis called me Curly. *smiling. Im never used to people giving me nicknames before. It was always Harry, or Harold and sometimes formally mr.Styles.

"Why are you calling me Curly?" giggling " and no thanks, Im fine here. Wheres' the others?"

"Nialls in the kitchen. Owh, here they are" Louis mouths to the direction of Liam, Zayn and Niall as they walked towards the patio.

We started chatting and just simply talking about stuff. Its weird actually that we all seems so comfortable around each other. As if we have known each other all our lives. I let the boys sits on the chair since Im the host and I just squatt at the door of the bungalow facing them so its not that uncomfortable. Everything feels so right and just like the way its suppose to be.

  We talked about everything. From girls topic, to our facebook accounts. our favourite songs. Our Crushes, girlfriends and even about Liam's fear of spoons!  I can sense Louis keep glancing over me and keep asking me if i was comfortable. But im actually fine down here. Comfortable and happy. And even the thought that Louis seems to care makes me felt , i dont know, kinda special maybe? * He's just being polite you idiot!

'Owh I hate it when there are voices in my head. Disagreeing to what i have in mind and just telling me all the logics and putting my senses intact. *sigh

Niall stood up and pulled me up then pushed me to his chair " what about some songs boys?'

"I thought you were just cuddling with your guitar and didnt actually know playing it" 

"Ow this Irishman can strum allright" Niall replied to Zayn remarks. Louis and Liam are still laughing from Zayn's words earlier on and still cant stop once they heard the Irish accent that came out from Niall's

"Hey its true" I interfere." I saw him strumming to a bieber song during bootcamp"

Niall just laugh while Zayn rolls his eyes and muttered a " duuhhh"

" I tought you love Justin Bieber, Zayn!" Louis smirked punching Zayn's shoulder lightly.

" Youre the one to talk when you have Biebers hair on your HEAD"

"what can I say, Biebers got style~" I can see Louis smirked again from Nialls seat.

After a few songs, We continue chatting while Niall just leans against the door when Louis stood up and gestured Niall to take his seat.

I felt my stomach twist but Im not sure what caused it. Is it because the affection that Louis gave to Niall or is it because it was suppose to be me who suppose to give Niall his seat back.

I was about to stand up and let Louis take the place im sitting in when he comes towards me.

"Scoot over Curly"

Lately... a Louis and Harry Story. [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now